Will Fallout 4 have new creatures and stuff like that? I find that Fallout 3 and New Vegas didn't have a lot of enemies at all. Skyrim had much more enemies which made it a lot more fun and less repetitive.
Will Fallout 4 have new creatures and stuff like that? I find that Fallout 3 and New Vegas didn't have a lot of enemies at all. Skyrim had much more enemies which made it a lot more fun and less repetitive.
New enemies? Yes. A lot more? Going from a 10 minute gameplay trailer that had about half of that dedicated to prewar/crafting/settlement building, we don't really know. I can't imagine there being dozens of new enemies, but we have already seen a few new ones. And we've seen a few old ones.
We have so far
Ghouls, Raiders, Deathclaws, Yoa Guai, Bloodbugs, Synths, Radscorpions, Brotherhood of Steel, Siege Breakers, Super Mutants, Mirelurks, and Protectrons.
That is just from E3. Between them and all their variations I think we will have plenty to kill.
I never thought any of Bethesda's games had a lack of variety in enemies, or any of them had more than the other. But yes, we've already seen some new enemies like the Synths, Mirelurk Queen, and Bloodbugs. Not to mention it seems some returning enemies are different in combat now. Radscorpions and Molerats burrowing underground, Deathclaws picking up the player, Feral Ghouls jumping out of hiding spots or something, I don't know, something like that apparently.
You can't continue recycling the same enemies and factions over and over again, if you do, the game will surely get as stale as day old bread in no time flat.
you forgot to mention mr gutsy/ mr handys and the Secruity bots ( both wheeled and tracked) and i think i saw a robobrain in one of the videos too
Love how people join these forums and ask questions with the assumption we all somehow know things that others dont, brings a smile to my face
Plus its their game, and they make the lore. They can add any enemy they want and create a whole back story to it, and being bethesda they would make sure it all ties in nicely. taking away from lore is hard, but adding can be a lot more easy, so dont assume they cant and wont add more.
Methinks we'll get a few new enemies, but I think Bethesda's focus this time around is improving and diversifying the enemies from 3.
OP are you talking about new as in never before seen? I think about everything we've seen so far has been in FO before, which I prefer as it mean's the game's more lore friendly that way and they're not just making stuff up. I don't mind a new special creature here or there, but you got to stick with what the game world has in it.
It would only be meaningful to those that like to role-play as that generally requires a cohesive game world. Those that want to just shoot bang bang it wouldn't really bother. There are games that cater to those types of gamers. Thankfully FO isn't one of those.
Every videogame sequal adds new creatures and every Fallout has added new creatures.
And why wouldn't there be? Saying there's regional creatures is actually realistic. Not every animal lives in every spot.
Yeah, the radscorpian burrowing is really going to freak me out now. You'll think it's safe to cross that field because you scouted it out from high on a hilltop.... but it's not. Hopefully there will be some indicator, little mounds or something.. otherwise I'm going to be jumping in my seat a lot and saying fancy phrases like "jeeza ga craaap!"
Even the recycling of certain enemies is going a bit overboard (Enclave anyone?) Anyway, I never quite meant for it to sound like the reuse of all enemies was a bad thing, certainly there does need to be some cohesion there, and some like raiders and slavers can fit that bill. Those are types of people that don't have to be regional in order for it to fit the lore, those types would be everywhere anyway, just trying to do whatever it takes to survive.