The hype of the masses, hell no. My personal hype, HELL YES!!!! I see so many people on this forum nit picking this, nit picking that. It seems that maybe 25% of the Fallout "fans" seem to trully appreciate the new innovations that made F3/NV feel stale and carbon copies of what has already been seen. Sure they are not really original when you compare them to other games, but what is the point of comparing fallout games to non-fallout games? So many comparing TW3, MGSV, and even a VERY, VERY few making Minecraft comparisons, Friggin MINECRAFT LOL. I am not saying everything is perfect and things could not be improved, but so can every game ever made be improved in some light. Overall the hype is what you make it, I know excatly what I wanted out of a new Fallout game. If you would of asked me before any info was released, I guarentee 99% of fans would not of even come close to all the new amazing things put into this new fallout.
So I will do a little list for myself of new things I was wanting with no knowledge of what we know now.
1. Way better shooting mechanics. Check
2. Hopefully a not lackluster feeling ending. Cant know yet OFC
3. Better leveling system. DOUBLE CHECK
THe only thing IMO they did a back step on was the dialogue system, and only because I feel the old system was fine. Why fix what is not broken. So in the end they drastically improved on everything I wanted in a new Fallout. I just can not stand the amount of ridicule the game is receiving and its not even out yet. Leaks are not concrete ither, those things seen before release are subject to change through community feedback and patch integration.
Sorry for the mini essay, but it's ither all this new Fallout fans that are making all the vets look bad, but this game is shaping up to be AMAZING from what I have seen. See you guys in the wasteland