As the title says, who thinks it will? The game has been so hyped up that if it fails it will be a disaster, then again Bethesda have never let me down.
Curious to know what everyone else thinks about this.
As the title says, who thinks it will? The game has been so hyped up that if it fails it will be a disaster, then again Bethesda have never let me down.
Curious to know what everyone else thinks about this.
No game ever has or will live up to the hype people produce, will it be a good game defenatly will it be a great game probably(defenatly with mods).
For me, it probably will, since I very much enjoyed the previous games, and it is more the style of the game that I really really like, not any specific mechanic. And that which I don't like there will almost certainly be mods for. The risk of me regretting having bought it is somewhere in the <2% range I think, from what I have seen and heard so far. Is it perfect? no. Will I have fun? most definitively!
The collective hype? Some people will be disappointed because they want or expect something other than what it is. My personal hype? I fully expect it to meet my hope that it will become my favorite game of all time. No pressure.
It's so hyped that even if it's a disaster people will still love and defend it to death for months after release, so no i don't think it can fail, lol.
so far my expectations have been met and exceeded if there's any truth to the things I'm hearing.
Can I guarantee it will be GOTY? No
Do I think it will be good game that I will enjoy? Absolutely.
Treat Fallout 4 like you would a book you picked up because you like the author, and related works. The back page seems interesting, but you don't really know what's going on between the pages.
Take it, sit down with it, read it. If you do, enjoy it. If you don't, close the book.
The only hype for this game that I've seen has been created by the fans. The Bethesda fueled Skyrim Hype Train has fortunately been conspicuously absent this time around, and I'm perfectly happy with that. If I ever see the Skyrim Hype Train again, it'll be far too soon.
As for whether or not it'll live up to the (fan fueled) hype, I doubt it. If people get that hyped over a game, more than likely their hopes are set a little too high, and that's a recipe for disappointment IMO. Keep your hopes (and hype) in check. You may find that you see things more clearly that way
Depends on how well gamers can take more of the same, which FO4 seems to be.
Interesting point about living up to hype.
Most of that has been gamers hyping themselves.
Bethesda has hardly flooded everyone with information about the game.
It will of course, be different for each person. If you're like that IBT reviewer, it didn't live up to the hype. But for many of us who've been coming to the Bethesda forums since FO4 was announced back in June, it will most likely live up to the hype for most of us.
For casual gamers and people who've never really played a Fallout/sandbox RPG games, they probably won't get too into it. I know plenty of people who prefer JRPG style of games, where it's all linear and in order to get this one quest, you have to advance so far into the game. Me, I like both linear and sandbox, they are fun, albeit in different ways. If I want a really good story, I'll go for a good JRPG like Final Fantasy 7. If I just want to do whatever I want and make my character however I want, I play Fallout 3/New Vegas, or Skyrim.
So for me, I believe the game will live up to the hype. And as long as the games ending isn't half as bad as ME3's was, I'll be satisfied.
I like to think most people are bright enough to realize that something is bad even if they were super biased before. I've watched some TV series for several seasons before realizing "Hey, this actually svcks." So it might take a while to sink in. On the other hand, if it is a disaster on that scale, it will be saved by mods. So it really is fail-safe. Although I don't really use mods so yeah I'll be disappointed if it doesn't meet my expectations.
I know there are some things I shouldn't expect - I don't expect the main story to be much more than "serviceable" for example, and I don't expect incredible tactical depth in combat. I've never looked forward to anything the way I'm looking forward to Fallout 4, and there's still room for it to excel (or disappoint).
Filthy casual. True pizza fans eat their pizza whole. What's next, putting pizza in a blender? smdh
Have you SEEN the hype?
There's no way. Even if it was the best game of all time, people would still be disappointed.
A truth, but...That's one of the glorious things about a single player game. If you enjoy yourself, personally, who cares what other people think?
I wasnt sure what to expect when we saw the E3 footage, but all i wanted was gameplay in which we had to run to the vault. And funny enough we got that!! But my hype has been based on everything I have seen so far, and I know there will be more in game. So will it live up to all my hype? Yes, and I will no doubt be blown away as well (thankfully I have no had anything spoiled for me, not even the begining)
Will it live up to the collective hype? no.
Sadly I can see this game getting a lot of bad stuff thrown at it, as that is all gaming channels will really do. Fallout isnt a game for everyone and people who just dont like aspects of it will try and bring it down as the worst game ever, simply because they will want to be that one guy that doesnt like it. People on facebook are already calling it farmville blackops 4, which annoys me a lot if you think the game is just shooting and building settlements. Everyone has an opinion, but some people have opinions fueled by hate and that clouds ones thoughts. And those tend to be the opinions I care about the least.
I can see people being disappointed, simple because they never really knew what fallout is or even was. They will be disappointed by the hype that all those clickbait gaming channels on youtube have made and all the hype gamers have made themselves.
At the end of the day, I will be enjoying this game. If someone is going to go and whine and cry (no doubt on these forums, so get ready for an influx of newbies here) than that is their problem.
I am expecting it to be a lot like skyrim launch. Which for me more than lived up to the hype, but had lots of people complaining. Judging from how many people still play that game though (steam activity charts) it's still really popular, 4 years after launch.
Will fallout 4 be a good or even great game for me personaly, yes i due like to think so. But will it live up to the hype, no. No game as ever trully lived up to the hype, its the mere definition of hype "overly confident expectations" basicly.
Of course not, many people have in their minds exactly how something will be, and no game will every meet that kind of hype, especially as everyone has different expectations.
As for me, I am sure that I will play and enjoy the game for more hours than I can afford. I am sure it won't be my favorite game, but I have enjoyed every game that I have played from Bethesda since Morrowind. What I enjoy most is immersing myself in another world, exploring on my own terms, building an interesting "virtual" life. For these things, Bethesda does it best. I don't always want to be led by the nose in a pre-made story, but I usually always finish the MQ at least once - and although not perfect, I always enjoy that journey as well.
I am certainly not obsessing, but I am looking forward to playing.
On the subject of FO4? I think, whether it lives up or not, is good or not, some of the design choices, namely the removal of skills and the new speech system are going to make it a divisive title.