Yes, i know that new vegas will be much better than fo3.
Even just the special/trait system tweak makes it a lot better. It is a shame that fo3 broked the system that was already nearly a perfect. As it is said, dont fix what isnt broken.

Now that will be fixed, the biggest downpoint will be erased. This makes playing this game a lot funnier. If they really implement that many paths to archieve a goal, then it would be nearly perfect game. fo3 had too litle amount of weapons too and that will be fixed too. ammo types, threshold... Yummy! :goodjob: :celebration: This will be the best game ever. :woot: Well not good as doom, but almost.

Well they still have one more thing though, settlements, towns and faction interactions.
In fallout 2 there was alot of stuff going on, this place had a quarrel with that place and that place had an alliance with that place and this place had good trading relations with that place and so on.
In fallout 3 there was almost nothing, Rivet City seemed oblivious to Megaton's existence IIRC.
The only things were like "Hey blow up megaton for tenpenny tower", yeah, that's a really deep history of the towns relations...
"Hey we're slaves and we want to move into DC were some slavers reside, go kill 'em for us!!!!" uh-huh...
All of the relations that were there were basically "Kill the other guys".
Let's just hope for more developed relations between settlements and factions other than "Kill these mofhuggas".
Something like faction A like Faction F because they have a good trading going on, but A are also grateful for what P did for them in the past but F are working out a deal with Y which are pissed off at P and are at war with them.
Now F are in a bind because they can't be on both A's and Y's side.
It's not the greatest explenation and it's really simplistic but at least it's