Kind of funny that Folks going on about "You can't judge it negatively, you've only seen 10 minutes of it" are the SAME folks saying how awesome FO4 will be.
Personally I liked much of what I saw, and I dislike some other things as well, but I'll be damned if all the predictions from the problems all of Skyrims missing aspects would cause weren't true. easily on OCT 2010 and JAN 2011 everything regarding no Attributes/Spell making et al were true and STILL and issue to this day.
FO4 will be no different.
That said FO4 took massive cues from the amazing mods on New Vegas, Beth Style Settler mode? hell yes sign me up
just makes me all the more excited at the hell will happen in TESVI
Yeah voicing opinions, even negative ones, is important. How else is anything going to change for the better?
Of course, catering to everyone is impossible when making games. But opinions should still be voiced regardless if they′re positive or negative
It makes sense? I know a lot of people here who absolutly hate FO3 and the direction Bethesda has gone with it and still bought it. Sorry don't believe the story that they didn't know what it was beforehand, their forum posts tell a different story.
Which makes no sense because they support what they think is total wrong. At least if I believe what they write.
People has various options, also they are afraid small features will hurt their enjoyment, for me the dialog system looks horrible and limited, made a bit worse in that your character say something else than you selected.
This might be real bad as it can not be changed by mod or resolved by changing play style, magic in Skyim was hopeless a totally lost case, so no mages, other types of combat was better making the game enjoyable for me, but somebody who only play mages would hate it.
The start looks a bit stupid to me but can live with it. Rest of the stuff looked real good.
In short an god game pretty much ruined by some features is worse than an totally hopeless case.
I have no strong feelings about dragon age 2, I liked DA:O, heard about DA:2 and cut features so I know I would probably skip it. Downloaded the demo tried it halfway trough the second fight before hitting the awesome button. No strong feeling as I have no attachment or investment.
You could play on hardcoe mode where companions could be killed...
Also, not only are the dialogue choices literally simplified to 1 - 3 word holophrases instead of fully articulated sentences, we now have to guess what context the PC will say their retort in and we will have speculate as to what they will actually say.
There's no guarantee that the dialogue outwith the dialogue options will be complex and nuanced, Bethesda is derided for it's awful writing almost ubiquitously.
This also poses another disconcerting problem, if we do have complex writing we are going to have no control over it, as we can not infer the complexity of the eventuating writing from the holophrase "food" or "everyone's dead".
The more complex the writing becomes the more incongruous the options are, it's a lose-lose situation and I wish Bethesda kept the previous dialogue system and just advanced upon it.
Todd Howard / Bethesda doesn't like to give off much detail about their games they like to keep it a surprise so is reason for people to play them unlike other companies that tell you everything from how the story plays out to what each level or map area looks like your enemies where you will encounter them and how to defeat them so by time game has come out it feels like you have played it for months already
From what I saw I do like a lot of the changes and it is too early to say if it is dumbed down.
Yes the dialog options are changed but for FO3 and NV we did not have that many options for dialogs for the most part and we could still have an option to have more dialog options if they are needed. The dialogs can still be quite complex whether Bathesda can do the writing for it and get the Voice Acting right for it is hard to say since Bethesda likely wants to keep it to a bare minimum since it might be spoiling quests and story. Now conversations are going to be in real time and that opens up quite a few nice options for ambushes and such.
Skills it is hard to say they are gone, maybe they are just something else and are governed by a new system that is more dependent on Specials, Perks and actual skill use.
My Feeling is that this game has the potential to be either the best Fallout Game, The Worst Fallout Game or somewhere in between. We just have to wait and see.
I'd personally say that Fallout 4 has the ability to be the best game but the worst "Fallout" game.
Then it's a good thing that what you like already exists....(Fallout 3 or even New Vegas).
I have a suggestion for you. Let Bethesda make the game they are going to make anyway (without your input, opinions or complaints) and you can either chose to buy and play it or not do so. Do you seriously think anything you type here is going to influence the Developers in the slightest? After the game ships and you get to play it (if you so choose), you can rant, moan and complain about it here until you fingers bleed, but until then, your negative speculation is pointless....
I agree on most of those points.
I don't want a vertibird to fly us around or a rocket boat/ blimp and I really hope the jetpack is optional as is power armor, I don't wear any PA in FO3/NV
But yeah gone are the isometric FO I played those and enjoyed them BACK THEN, not now we've evolved, things have changed and Bethesda's world building is phenomenal!
I hope the dialogue isn't super water'd down for these press x, square, circle or triangle options though!
Ghoul pirate could be awesome, and he's probably not a pirate per se- He just picked up a captains hat along the way and rolled with it much like we can with our characters, who's to say NPC's don't change clothes in this game or maybe he was a companion and they dressed him up that way?
I'd love to make my own base, As long as we can go at least 3-5 stories high, or just make a simple little shack that we can store things in,but with this defence system thing, I don't want the game to like oh you made a shed, raiders will now attack that shed every 3 in-game days. It needs to be a proper base for that I would say!
Gabriels FO does seem quite shallow in features, but sometimes that's better especially for story telling, which Beth still needs to learn how to do!
Please play the violin some more.
I know this is going to come as a shock but your individual opinion doesn't matter one bit. Yes that is right your opinion is worthless. i know you are think right now that i am baiting you and trolling you but I'm not. I am pointing out that games are a business as well as an art. And here is important aspects of both you as a consumer must be aware of. One your opinion of the art is MEANINGLESS to the artist. They create art THEY want to make not art submitted for your approval. Don't like the direction of the game? then DON'T BUY IT. Because this is art and your opinion of said art wont change the artists opinion of their work.
Secondly as games are ALSO a business individual opinions are meaningless as well because SALES trump your opinion every time. The business end of thing doesn't care if you dislike FO3 because it sold millions of copies. Any game that sells millions of copies is view as a success. And there is ZERO reason to listen to individual opinions when they are selling millions. Like a game that sold only 10,000 copies doesn't matter one bit because the game FAILED. Hate a game that sold 5 million copies? Doesn't matter one bit it will be viewed as a success.
When it comes to art and products you have only two choices buy it or don't buy it. By not buying it you send a message that you don't like something but it isn't going to matter if a million other people do buy it. This is something gamers hate the idea they are not as important as the games make them feel. In real life most of our individual opinions matter not to anyone but ourselves and a very limited number of people in our social circle. Gamers hate that they are not important so they rant and rage against anything they don't like even though 99.99999% of the time it is equivalent to peeing into the wind.
The truth is your opinion of Bethesda's take on the fallout franchise is unimportant to anyone but yourself. If you dislike it then don't buy it, but trying to get Bethesda to change or trying to convince people they are wrong to like bethesda's take on the series is pointless and foolish.
It isn't turn-based, or Isometric view, so, the original fans will never like it.
From what I have see so far though, it will be a fun game, but, less of an RPG than previous iterations.
As Daenerys Targarian would say- " You can either live in the new FO world, or die in your old FO because it's never going to go back to isometric, turn based gameplay "
It's like I said in a thread a few days ago, put yourself on the directing board at the top, and say "this game cost us $90,000,000 to make, if we do what the hardcoe audience wants, we can make a $15,000,000 profit, if we change some things up, make this game more accessible and FUN, key word < FUN GAMES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUN we can make a $60,000,000 profit " What would you do, leading a company, with sponsors and investors who want to make theirs back and more?
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for a rich story, but the way 'hardcoe' fans are and have shown themselves to be they'd still cry and moan it wasn't isometric, and there weren't 15 options per dialogue per NPC. (although I played the originals back in the day, I don't consider my self hardcoe, because unlike the hardcoe, I can appreciate new things and change )
Edit- If you don't like what you see, and are in the crowd calling it terrible/ the burned game vote with your wallets!
Nothing will ever manage to be the new burned game.
Nah. I meant reviews from actual players, not some paid shill at IGN.