Well, let's see just how many negative things I've seen so far and how many positive things
* I can wear a dress as a male character.
* Slim vault suit
* Power Armor that looks like a tank.
* Essential NPC's make a return, including the dog.
* Backstory is yet again forced on you, except this time it is far worse than Fallout 3 and even 'more' limiting.
* Skills are gone in the traditional sense.
* I've seen a bunch of stupid designs in the trailer, like a wind up laser rifle and a boat with rocket engines on it.
* More Sims elements now with more tower defense!
* Jetpacks can be used while wearing power armor and wielding a minigun.
* Dialogue is gone, replaced by the far inferior dialogue wheel.
* That feral ghouls are back, at all.
* Personal flying taxi, the vertibird.
* Ghoul pirate, because a robot politician wasn't enough in Fallout 3.
* Action-oriented gameplay.
* Voiced protagonist.
As a Fallout game, apart from a few aesthetics I see absolutely nothing to be excited for.
As a game on its own merits, it looks pretty fun.
But what I want out of Fallout is Fallout, not whatever 'that' is that is calling itself "Fallout" 4.
So to me, yeah, I'm fairly certain that Fallout 4 will be The Burned Game II Electric Boogalo.
And I'm trying to keep an open mind here but I just can't accept a lot of the things I've seen so far.
I'm holding out hope that their design decisions for a voiced protagonist and more strict background in order to create a stronger narrative actually pays off and we get a good story out of it. Basically, if the gameplay is atrocious for a Fallout game and subpar at best as an RPG maybe at least the story and lore will be good behind it. But considering Bethesda's track record with these things I'm not holding my breath.