I don't remember this. Give some details to refresh my memory please?
I don't remember this. Give some details to refresh my memory please?
awww so you only care for gay men representation? boo.
Sure will this decision respected. But this "small" group also has the right to complain and make the descision not to buy it. Espescially when it wasn't a problem in previous games.
lolwut.....all sorts of implied things all over the place....sound like some people have perverted imaginations running in overdrive to make up things that aren't there. Seriously I'm all too happy not having to imagine perverted screwing that isn't there.....and I rather there be no screwing than all this nonsense.
Wait... there were romance options in New Vegas?
Also, pretty sure this has been covered... ya know, where Bethesda has released you can romance any of the human companions regardless of your characters gender.
I disagree because it was a shotgun wedding. Can happen to anyone regardless if hetero/gay/bi/... whatever.
You have no idea how dreadful it feels to go through entire games without once encountering something gay-related or even have a gay relationship, all the while being bombarded with hetero stuff at every freaking corner.
It would do you well to have some empathy.
Keep in mind Fallout is about a futuristic America based on the "1950s American Dream." That meant a white heterosixual couple with two children, two cars, a house, and a white picket fence. As you are probably well aware, open homosixuality was not tolerated nor accepted in 1950s America. Fallout is likely no different. Thus, you could easily roleplay a "closeted gay" if that was really the experience you were going for.
Yep and I don't want to imagine the circumstance the child was made... (it still works regardless, it's not heterocentric).
BUT WHY CAN'T I [censored] THE DOG??$%@&@^(
Exactly this. Since when is it ok to harass developers and insult them for not appeasing a fetish? Last I checked this isn't a pormo and even pormos are not required to put up with this kind of nonsense harassment. Nobody needs to pander to anyone they don't want to.
Oh riiiight, you mean the beast horned companion! Yes, yes, well, to be fair, Dragon Age didn't create this trend, they stole it from certain obscure Japanese "animes". But you know how video games has to bring new content every time, perhaps in Fallout 4 there will be other kind of porm. Perhaps Bethesda will bring a new evolution with YIFF or furry porm, and we will have the chance of mating with a very hairy woman caused by radiation mutation. They'll start gradually with a furry couple, then furry LGBT of various kind.
It must be weird to wake up every day obsessed with sixuality.
Nice "fetish game" put your fantasies back in your closest.
You automatically assumed I am siding with the original poster which when you read mine isn't true.
Yep "It's not like the character's sixuality will even be relevant or brought up much anyway." that's what I was going for.
Sadly with the start of the story this golden rule maybe broken. We will see.
I wasn't even responding to you with that post so good one m8