I really hope so. I hated NV in that apsect compared to the metro system FO3 had. I hope 4 has something similar.
I really hope so. I hated NV in that apsect compared to the metro system FO3 had. I hope 4 has something similar.
Probably, so far as I know Las Vegas doesn't have a subway system but Boston does.
Meh. I didn't particularly care for the DC Metro system. Why should my character have to work his way through Feral Ghoul and Super Mutant infested tunnels when he really could have just climbed over the relatively short piles of debris blocking the streets? Personally, I find it to be about as arbitrary a restriction as mountains that are just slightly too steep for an idiot who refuses to use his hands to climb.
I loved the Metro Underground system. I didnt go in it all the time, but it was a great dungeon. And I didnt know Boston had a subway system. Thats cool.
I can see how being forced into them might not be the best for everyone. I really enjoyed exploring them, though. Hopefully they they will be there but you won't be forced into using them to navigate the city.
I feel confident we will be able to traverse the underground via the metro system, would be insane if Bethesda didn't include this awesome system in the game.
At first I hated the Metro Tunnels. Dark, confusing, full of dangerous monsters, but then I realized I only hated them because they were a threat to Low-Level Me. Missed them in New Vegas, the caves were pretty bland in the Mojave, hopefully they make a return, with all the talk of how far they went into all the little details it'd be awesome to spend hours exploring in there.
I personally hope that there will be an accessable metro/sewer system that you can explore, but are not forced to use. It would enrich the world and give more options for the player.
You could, for example, walk to your objective on the ground level and breach through the front door guns blazing, or choose to infiltrate via underground passage getting the drop on your unaware enemy.
Playing New Vegas has had me missing the metros and large areas like Fallout 3 had, even the Super-Duper Mart. I honestly think I just like the post-apocalyptic east more so far, and I'm sure it helps that these areas are where the development team lives too. I'm really hoping that the metros aren't their own loaded areas, but seamlessly part of the overworld so you can just walk down the steps and you're there, like it really is.
yeah something similar will be in fallout 4, skyrim had blackreach as well as tons of dungeons and fallout 4 will no doubt easily surpass any other games they have done in terms of secret bases, building complex's, dungeons, metro tunnels....todd howard says how they make the games they want to play and the games they want to play are the games many of us want to play, exploration is so much in the forefront of a bethesda game studio game, thats one of the aspects of their games i like the most.
Boston's 'T' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massachusetts_Bay_Transportation_Authority) is pretty extensive, so I'd be surprised if some of the underground portions are not accessible.
I felt Skyrim was lacking in 'mega-dungeons' with nothing like Fo3's metro or Oblivion's largest ruins. Blackreach was cool but it was more of a visual setpiece than anything else so I dearly hope Fallout 4 dumps me in an underground hell that takes ages to escape from.
Hope so too. Loved the Metro in F3. The very limited sewer system in NV didn't come close.
To some degree, probably, but I doubt it will be like Fallout 3. Why? Because, the main reason Fallout 3 had so many tunnel systems and the like, especially when in the DC Ruins proper, is because of memory limitations of the console hardware when it was released (and yes, I know, the console hardware of today also has limitations, but not as bad as the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3).
I expect a lot more openess in the world, and even the tunnel systems we visit.
I would assume so. It would be really nice to see.
I really liked the DC metros (I rode them in real life); the atmosphere was cool and I loved discovering new above ground areas and all that. The sewers in FNV (my favorite) were no comparison, though in its defense the focus of that game was on story rather than exploration.
I imagine we'll see the MBTA, and I wouldn't be surprised to find an extensive underground area beneath MIT.
While playing the Fallout Who Vegas mod, my TARDIS dropped me into a sewer that --- investigation revealed --- was underneath Camp Mcarren base and had doors to the Eastern Sewers or something. And I know there are sewers under Westside with the fighting arena (Talon?). While I liked the atmosphere of the DC Metro tunnels, too often they felt like one big room, two long tunnels, and two small side rooms. And none of them connected directly to each other, it seemed. Too much zoning to and fro.
I DO hope they have some semi-flooded (or flooded, if we can get rebreathers) underground areas. I've seen some amazing things they can do with light and glistening wet textures and dripping noises and so on to make it a really freaky experience.
yeah same here, Metro system was a cool place to explore on Fallout 3, something that was missing on NV, cave were ok but get old quick.
The DC Metro was incredibly boring to me. Redundant to where I avoided them at all costs
Boston has one of the oldest Subway systems in the USA at all. It would be a shame not to put them into the game.
Ya gotta think about level design and how it's relevant to the city it's mapped after. Other's mentioned subways, yes that's true, we are likely to see this in FO4. I may not be a surprise if they use skyscraqers as some dungeons, kinda like what The Last of Us provided.