Well it has beed said that fallout 4 going to have a map size like skyrim. It is not like we didn't expect that, it is just a bit sad for real fallout fans, because we realy missed that feeling of wandering around desert. Just like fallout 3/vegas/skyrim this is going to be a small dense map, where you will meet some people on every 10 steps you do, so bye bye wasteland, hallo shopping mall.
I was just wondering, what you guys think, will gamesas ever make a fallout that would feel like real one? Maybe their engine reached it's map size limit? or maybe they just think that new generations are too stupid to understand the real quality of games and just need some crap like dead space?
Don't get me wrong, i think from all the companies around, if someone can make a real fallout game, then it is gamesas, they are like the only one true open world game company left around.