It's not a real problem since you'll have a ton of caps 4-5 hours into the game.
It's not a real problem since you'll have a ton of caps 4-5 hours into the game.
I wonder how you can keep your turrets and such from killing your townspeople? Also it would be cool to dig a deep pit in front of your town entrance with a trap door over it and a rancor deathclaw inside.
Frag mine + Cryslus Corvega + Stupid raider, That's the only trap I need.
I'd love to be able to setup a Rube Goldberg trap.
I want to place grenade bundles tied to trip wires... Those were pretty damn effective if you didn't watch your step.
They got me too , not often... but when they did... they did damage. I'd love to make plasma grenade bundles as well, those would really make you watch your step.
Yeah me too. It would be nice if there was more diversity as far as traps go in fallout 4. In fallout tactics, doors & desks were booby trapped, if your explosive skill wasn't higher enough they would explode in your face! which i always thought was cool.
Looks up from his Maddocks tricks and traps book.....
"Good heavens I hope so, Fair fights are kinda Iffy, lot funner if you have an edge. "