Nope, when I look down...all I see are boobs. :shrug:
Is that really how it feels to be a woman? No sixism intended but that would feel so weird not being able to see my feet o.O but I guess its what we are used too.
On subject though, not seeing my legs is a bit of an immersion breaker, imo.
I don't know if any of you have ever played dark messiah (if you haven't, its an amazing play) and the first person camera in that game was perfect. You could see your legs, it looked great and helped with immersion.
Of course, you should be able to see your chest too if you can see your legs, and if you can see your chest you should be able to see your arms, and so forth it becomes more complex and hard to do.
Wouldn't mind getting constant cleavage when I'm playing a woman though :teehee:
but in all seriousness, its harder to make properly than it looks, that why even the huge companies like activision can't do it with cod games, etc.