» Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:05 pm
I finally see the flaw to having legs, picking up stuff. Also looking at it the reason we don't have a fully body veiw in first person is that most games that do tend to have the screen slightly infront of the person in order for the body to not fully get in the way. I believe thats kinda weird, If we want legs or body the fans are gonna want them proper, having just legs is kinda weird (omg I think i'm rayman kinda thing), while full body as summer explained so funny like, suggests that if we did have a full body, alot of stuff is gonna get in the way of veiw, but the main problem is that this is a game with alot of different designs such as different sets of armour, to the info that you can change your body type, plus gotta consider "i'm waering heavy armour chest plate. Its now hard for me too see low down because all I see is chest plate. If I wear a helm does that mean i can't see as much?"
I think my rant has been made with many flaws so taht this thread shall reach locking point