Havent seen any topic about this.Especialy in the Argonian zones, i think it would be a 120% MUST to have underwater adventures.
I love exploring ,and this is just another step in that direction.
Havent seen any topic about this.Especialy in the Argonian zones, i think it would be a 120% MUST to have underwater adventures.
I love exploring ,and this is just another step in that direction.
Really, for me seems a little to high fantasy for ES. of course I would not object but I would rather not.
I don't know, my altmers seem to drown fast in previous elder scrolls games. I'm not a fan of underwater stuff, seems like it would just be fun for those lizard-monsters.
Underwater exploration would be huge immersion .. there have been several quests through out TES that call for this. Plus it would add more to the creature aspect as well. Be nice to have more than just "angry fishes" too .. get some sharks or water snakes etc. more treasure locations .. submerge instances etc. PLus, it would give argonians reason put points in swim speed
It would actually put the Argonian swim skills to use a bit maybe, but I doubt they'll do something like this.
I don't see how they could keep from implementing the feature in a future update. The gameworld is open for them to expand it as far as you can imagine. Tamriel is only one land mass in a large world. Even then they are not limited to Nirn.
oh, if you mean swimming underwater and finding ships and treasure chests underwater and actually going underwater, that would be awesome! finding chests and rarer alchemichal ingredients would be cool. just no silly water combat. with doing like wierd acrobatics moves underwater.
Plus add potions and spells dealing w/ it. Breathing / Swimming / old school "Jesus Power" etc. Too bad you can perma stun until drowned hehe .. that would be hilarious!!!
Oh then what is the point of Argonians swimming racial perk?
I know, I know Argonians are Healers! because of their healing racial
/facepalm /facedesk
water walking like morrowind and oblivion would be great. make sure graqes still give water walking. that must be the source of jesus power, with the wine and all.
Man I remember the first time I dove in the waters of Odus to look for those pearls in EQ1. SHAAAAAAARRRRRRK! SHAAAAARRRRRK. You have DIED!
I nearly jumped out of my skin! I loved being able to swim down and enter a whole new zone. Struggling with players and mobs down there. Drowning.... good times... would love to see it.
I was surprised we couldn't dive underwater in the last beta. Kinda bothered me and ruined my immersion a little, but nothing game breaking.
I don't remember any of the elder scrolls games having anything interesting under water? Underwater combat svcks and is unrealistic.
Guild Wars 2 did a great job but just doesn't suit ES.
There were some shipwrecks in skyrim you could loot aswell as find some ingredients underwater, and in morrowind a good source of income was searching for pearls(100 gold apiece), yet I agree guild wars style underwater combat would be way to out of place.