1 person can easily avoid his team being spawnkilled on everything except for Atacama or Valdes. With one squad alive it's not tough for the camp to be broken at all. 1 person living in full squad allows for 3 spawns so 3v8 spawnkillers you play smart you get advantage you get kills you get

you get newbie teammates out of spawnkill.

Simple. . .
You do realise that it has literally very little to do with skill. It is based on Chance, positioning and weapon of choice. If anything more knowledge of the map and weapon of choice as wel as luck that noone else sees you and that they spawn in a way that is easy for you to kill. Basically you position yourself where the enemy is spawning and when they spawn with literally no chance to defend themselves you shoot them. Not only am i a fine player who can get out of most situations on the first if not the second attempt but i am also experienced every now and then in spawnkilling. The if you cant get out of it you're [censored] is actually the opposite. If someone can escape yopur spawn killing you are terrible at it and thats the main reason you are spawn camping. to battle someone to reach objectives and work as a team is far more challenging and skilful and requires more tactics. If you spawn camp you are literally waiting for a player to come into existence and kill them its like killing a baby and saying its fair cause they should have run. They dont know whats going on they dont have a reason to expect people are going to be trying to kill them before they've been given a fair chance. So you are basing it off the least amount of skill. Position aim luck. Thats all it is. If you think its more its because you are trying to justify why killing a unaware non-combatant whos orientating himself if not about to press a button is the right thing to do because you have more skill, when their skill, because of the speed you can kill them, does not even come into play. The only chance they have is habit if the first thing they do when spawn is hide then thats habit not skill now if they have been playing the game alot and know that spawncamping happens then they will hide which is knowledge not skill.
For realism's sake it makes sense that you should be allowed but at the same time its not realistic that a force would continually deploy forces to a known hot/death zone. Thats why certain games have that if one or more players are around the CP it cannot be spawned on even before its cpatured because its just not realistic.
SO, gamer wise its unfari as it is based on luck and not skill as they have no time to apply skill. Player wise its cheap because its easy to do and requires little skill and medium thinking and more experience of the map. Realistically its very unlikely and has many solutions to the problem like moving a spawn point or defending it with turrets and personnel. And psychologically its pathetic to feel that you should oppress and control the opponent so there is no competition no chance of survival and yet you are not actually completing what the team needs you are just annoying players creating a bad environment for players to join eventually killing the game you are enjoying so much being a unskilled unfair dike in. Thank you now [censored] off this community has obviously voted you and this style of player out so the only move left is to be nice and realise this isn't your game or be more of a [censored] and play and try to do cheap [censored] like the aforementioned.
Im off to lunch.