...That's a good question.
Would be neat to find someone from the old neighborhood somewhere along the way.
"Hey...Oh hey, you, I remember you! Yeah yeah, the guy, with the wife and kids...Wow...You look good for a century or two! Can't say the same for me! Hah!"
That would be really cool...you could have one of your old war buddies as a companion
Yeah I was secretly hoping that this guy turns up as a ghoul.
It'd certainly be a missed opportunity if they didn't have the Sole Survivor run into an old acquaintance as a ghoul. The lore sets up such an interaction perfectly.
BART: Dad, you shot zombie Flanders!
HOMER: He was a zombie?
Yeah, I can just picture the awkward reunion with your spouse ...
"You still find me attractive, don't you Hun?"
NORA: "Aren't I still the prettiest woman in the universe?"
NORA: "We also have that honeymoon we never went to."
''Don't you know how hard it is for us ghoul women?! I spend all morning taking off radiations and oozing green skin just for you and you only say 'you're nice'?!''
HOWARD: "Nora, I-"
NORA: "Don't you 'Nora, I' me! I survived for 200 years in this hellhole looking like something from an old monster flick while you got to sleep all tucked away in Vault 111 AND THEN I FIND YOU BEDDING WITH PIPER!? See this ring? DO YOU SEE IT!?" *tears ring off of her finger* It's over, Howard! I survived this long because I loved you. But no more!" *throws ring over a cliff* "Go be with Piper; guess she's the Nora you WISHED you had."
*Nora storms away, gives Howard the backhand middle finger*
Hey ! That's you ! The average man of middle-age that i barely knew and didn't see in 200 years ! That is funny to see you pal' !
I also think that meeting up with Ghouls from the previous Fallout games as well. Also, what time frame is Fallout 4 happening in? Are we before or after the Hoover Dam battle in New Vegas? Is anyone aware of the timeline we're working with here?
Just so I don't run into my bookie. Can even imagine what the vig would be after 200 years.