Will we be allowed to make mods to change UI or other simple things?
Will we be allowed to make mods to change UI or other simple things?
As far as I know, UI modding will exist. Might be mistaken though.
But there's no official word on how much data we can fiddle with, as in how restrictive the API is.
The lack of communication regarding the UI modding is worrisome I'll admit.
Personally I hope there are no mods what so ever. This is a MMO, not a single player TES game.
we know for a FACT there are UI mods, but that is all that is allowed.
We'll have to see.
Allow modding and you're opening a Pandora's Box to abuse.
You might not feel the same if you get stuck with a big ugly compass ruining immersion. MMO mods are not invasive or restrictive to game play. They change simple things like how big your toolbar will be or if it will be fancy graphically (dragons and swirly art work) or simple transparent squares. No one can see those mods but you and you can download them or not per your choice.
I just want a completely clear screen. I haven't seen any footage of the hotbar being taken out. If it's not part of a "complete" customizable UI, then I hope a mod can be made to remove similar unneeded clutter.
I hope ENB injectors will be allowed as well. (if there will ENB version for TESO)
no, those will likely not be allowed, graphics changes can be abused.
they have also stated MANY times , it is UI ONLY, nothing ELSE