Everybody saying that is a hypocrite.
Ok, fine, graphics are not the most important thing ever, gameplay and plot are far more important. But graphics DO count.
Absolutely. And you've completely missed the point. Nobody here says they are not, if they weren't, we wouldn't be discussing them, talking about our preferences.
@ Altmer Illusionit: Yes it is. He's comparing two extremes case, that's just plain stupid. I'm not (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) saying I would prefer bad graphics to good ones. I'm saying I'm not preferring good ones in every possible cases.
I find skyrim nature more immersive than Crysis. Since I play for immersion, not for gameplay, I couldn't play Crysis more than 20-30 minutes long. In a real-looking world absolute photorealism = total negation of the artistic direction. Even in a game like morrowind, where everything is inspired from the real world but it is far from similar, photorealism would ruin the artistic direction (not entirely though but still). And I like artistic direction far more than graphics. Morrowind look >>>>> Oblivion for me. Warcraft 2 look >>>>> Crysis for me (and f**** those who said it would be lying). Obviously I would prefer a HD warcraft 2 to a low def one, but I prefer a Skyrim like it is than a skyrim like in the video. And I prefer my cartoon War2 to it too.