The head bobbing might not agree with everybody, but those are some fantastic graphics. And the ambient bird sounds were great too... if it's easy enough I might just use that sound file in Skyrim's forests.
Mods can only add so much - to be able to mod something in, the game engine must be able to do it in the first place. It may be that Skyrims engine will allow it to be upgraded graphically to that extent. I wouldnt know without taking a look, lol. xD
If I want real life i'll go outside. I prefer more artistic graphics and aesthetics. You can get way more creative that way. Photo realism is boring.
It's possible to have photorealistic graphics depict something fantastical. Something like this:
Photorealistic isn't necessarily better. From what I saw of that demo all that's different from Skyrim is the color of everything is better matched to the real world. Looking at the grass it doesn't seem all that different from Oblivion. And depth of field is the lamest feature ever conceived and should be banished from all games forevermore!
It's possible to have photorealistic graphics depict something fantastical. Something like this:
I'm just not seeing the photo realism everyone claims to see in Crysis. Does not look all that great to me and that video demonstrated some serious WTF moments too. briast stroke in 6" of water,swimming animation continues on after exiting water and how about the bird turning in a cardboard cutout after being shot and bouncing of the terrain and disappearing. Crysis is far from being the "greatest game ever made" that people make it out to be.
Think they might mean too much like real life, people want more LOTR forest than real life pine forest.
LOTR was made in natural scenarios in New Zealand. As it seem by other posts, some people indeed think that graphics should not look to realistic. Each person is a different universe !