Will a new player like this game?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:37 pm

Hello guys, I'm generally new tot he world in of FPS's and console shooters. I have only played Killzone2 and MW2 until now, because I am INCREDIBLY picky about what games I play.

So, I preorded killzone 3 and brink, and got in on the KZ3 beta. And it svcks. Its a total twitch shooter, and a complete downgrade to KZ2 in terms of game play and uniqueness. My opinion, not really looking to debate this here though.

So, I need a new console shooter to keep me preoccupied until brink. And I was checking out this game on IGN, and it blew me away. I had always thought crysis was about secret agents and ninja's (had it confused with the arcade game I used to play in the movie theater for 50 cents). XD The story line and armour customization looks beast. However, everyone I've asked has said the game svcked on all levels and was boring. When asked for a reason they really couldn't give one.

So, as a new player, I was wondering if this game would appeal to me, you know, at all?

I like team based game play, that does not encourage spawn camping or crouching by the stairs to earn free kills cause you're invisible. I like working with others to complete objectives and earning points without the flashy "carrier incoming!" gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, ducking out of the way to avoid grenades and following up with a well placed RPG shot is fine and all. but I'm not a fan of bots that score auto kills or anything. I also like FPS's where players have allot of health. If I'm gunning someone down from the back, they should be able to turn around and have a chance to kill me first, or at least maim me enough for a medic to finish me and heal him. I also like a nice recoil/bullet spread to my weapons and as little aim assist as possible.

So, according to that, will I enjoy this game?
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 pm

Killzone 3 svcks. Honestly, I've tried the beta for 20 minutes and I just stopped after. I don't even own KZ2, I've only played it at my friends house, and when I played the beta, I asked myself.. "What is this garbage I'm playing?"

Yes. You will enjoy it most definitely. The only thing you might not like is the fact that there are no medics.. if you die, you die.

I like it how a new FPS player actually gave us a description of what they like in real paragraphs.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:13 am

You could check out some of the commentaries and gameplay on YouTube, and see if it is anything you like :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:22 pm

If you're asking console players about crysis, you're only going to hear fanboy butthurt remarks like 'it was crap' with no rationalisation because it was a game that proves beyond doubt that PC's are so much better than consoles.

Crysis 2 should be awesome too, and will be worth picking up even on console :)
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:11 am

I tend not to trust any sort of reviewer ever, as they never directly say why they like or hate it, only interject what they think the the game should be like.

Many of you have played the beta and know the mechanics already, so I thought I'd ask if its twitched MW2 based, or BFBC 2 team play objective based.

The no medic thing sounds awesome already though, I won' t have 12 year olds screaming "MEDIC, MEDIC!" into my head set for a change.


Does encourage camping? I saw the IGN review and the guy hiding behind the book shelf in a fire fight was hilarious. but it didn't really say weather sitting there would make for a better score than than running and gunning.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:27 am

Hello guys, I'm generally new tot he world in of FPS's and console shooters. I have only played Killzone2 and MW2 until now, because I am INCREDIBLY picky about what games I play.

So, I preorded killzone 3 and brink, and got in on the KZ3 beta. And it svcks. Its a total twitch shooter, and a complete downgrade to KZ2 in terms of game play and uniqueness. My opinion, not really looking to debate this here though.

So, I need a new console shooter to keep me preoccupied until brink. And I was checking out this game on IGN, and it blew me away. I had always thought crysis was about secret agents and ninja's (had it confused with the arcade game I used to play in the movie theater for 50 cents). XD The story line and armour customization looks beast. However, everyone I've asked has said the game svcked on all levels and was boring. When asked for a reason they really couldn't give one.

So, as a new player, I was wondering if this game would appeal to me, you know, at all?

I like team based game play, that does not encourage spawn camping or crouching by the stairs to earn free kills cause you're invisible. I like working with others to complete objectives and earning points without the flashy "carrier incoming!" gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, ducking out of the way to avoid grenades and following up with a well placed RPG shot is fine and all. but I'm not a fan of bots that score auto kills or anything. I also like FPS's where players have allot of health. If I'm gunning someone down from the back, they should be able to turn around and have a chance to kill me first, or at least maim me enough for a medic to finish me and heal him. I also like a nice recoil/bullet spread to my weapons and as little aim assist as possible.

So, according to that, will I enjoy this game?

Well this game does offer alot of oppurtunities of tactics and team play however this is the type of game were you have a learning curve and you have to sit down and give the game time to learn about all the features and when to use them and when not to use them, e.g dodging a rocket by sliding. You also have to micro manage your energy levels in game aswell so its pretty intensive when you get into it.

I wouldnt recommend anything IGN says about the game or any reviewer for that matter because 90% of them are NOT gamers and are just journalists looking for their big break.

Some people wouldnt rate the beta version or "demo" that was released on xbox live but I wouldnt rate the finished product based on that. The game allows you to have multiple play styles, like for example when I was playing with random people I would play lone wolf but once my friends got on we would use team tactics like all of us sending our holograms into and objective and totally confusing the enemy etc.

however even if you are going to use team tactics you still need individual skill and knowledge of the game mechanics to work effectively in a team.

ALOT of people have jumped on this game with the pretence that its some kind of halo/COD hybrid which is just not the case at all. The movement such as the parkour way in which you tranverse your suroundings is by itself and inovation in shooters. you customise your suit to your liking and fit your play style.....e.g im an aggressive type player so il mainly be looking at armour abilites and speed abilites etc.

If your still unsure id just rent the game and get a group of friends together and play it and keep in mind you wont be good straight away, you have to learn but hey! idk you could be a fast learner like me :D
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:21 am

If you're asking console players about crysis, you're only going to hear fanboy butthurt remarks like 'it was crap' with no rationalisation because it was a game that proves beyond doubt that PC's are so much better than consoles.

Crysis 2 should be awesome too, and will be worth picking up even on console :)

Well, I'm a PC player. I've played through some of the leak. I didn't like it. Its a total console port, ala COD. Uninteresting weapons, simple play, no prone, no vehicles, feels like it was made for kids. Crysis and Wars is much better.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:39 am

The movement such as the parkour way in which you tranverse your suroundings is by itself and inovation in shooters.
Mirrors edge.
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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:53 am

From what i've heard people love the game that participated in the leak. Most of them are praising the multiplayer and single player.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:49 am

Try the Demo

((when its finally released))

and base your opinion on that, and the above info,

im sure you will want a peice of the cake.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:17 am

so... so... so... so....
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:46 am

You sound like you'd like Halo.

- Highly popular gameplay, that lets you defend yourself with skill [like you say you want]
- The matchmaking system makes sure you get matched with people your own skill level around 80% of the time,
and even has search preferences to prioritize skill.
- Teamwork is highly valued.

Buy you sound like you've only got a PS3, so I can't really give any advice that way.
But I'm sure some mature PS3 player might tell you something useful.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:04 am

I think you'll like the Crysis series, especially Crysis 2 for it's MP since it sounds like you enjoy tactical team play. When it comes to your description, it won't fit your preferences perfectly but I think you'll enjoy the differences. For instance, the whole having time to turn around and kill a dude who shoots you first. If you're playing with a skilled player, he/she will most likely run up behind you, quickly activate stealth and assassinate you to ensure you don't have a chance. Or, if they have any sort of aim, a good burst to your head and you have no chance of getting them either. If they decide to try and gun you down with leg shots from their submachine gun, obviously that will give you an opening to counter their bad tactical decision. This game will be far more team based on te computer since more of the community uses microphones productively, but you may ind a good clan on consoles. All in all, this game does require thought and precision, but once you are in tune with the nanosuit I assure you that you'll have more fun playing with it than many and most other games.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:00 am

Well if youve only got a PS3 and you dont have any friends on there you will have a tough time because hardly anybody has mics online and not to mention no offence but from what ive seen PS3 gamers online, they are worse than xbox players which is saying something.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:22 am

You sound like you'd like Halo.

- Highly popular gameplay, that lets you defend yourself with skill [like you say you want]
- The matchmaking system makes sure you get matched with people your own skill level around 80% of the time,
and even has search preferences to prioritize skill.
- Teamwork is highly valued.

Buy you sound like you've only got a PS3, so I can't really give any advice that way.
But I'm sure some mature PS3 player might tell you something useful.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:41 am

As far as the xbox 360 demo goes I was impressed. It has a little work to go and honestly a little bit of a learning curve. Can you believe some people think the spawn system is broken? Some of those people can't tell the difference between a spawn and someone coming out of cloak. Others complain that the melee is busted cause they have to do it more than once, but fail to realize that their opponent had armor engaged. If you don't make mistakes like that assuming this game is just like COD then you will be fine.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:43 am

The game as a tutorial kind of build in since this is the "nanosuit 2" and all so its friendly to those who havnt played any crysis games before.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:19 am

If you're asking console players about crysis, you're only going to hear fanboy butthurt remarks like 'it was crap' with no rationalisation because it was a game that proves beyond doubt that PC's are so much better than consoles.

Crysis 2 should be awesome too, and will be worth picking up even on console :)

Um....... what?

I'm a console guy (360 actually) and my only issue with the demo was that it had a slight connection issue (generally took about 3 "joins" to get into a lobby , then tended to disconnect right as it was about to load), so long as that can be worked I'll be quite happy.

OT: My experience from the demo was that there was a fair bit of twitch gameplay involved as it's a pretty fast paced shooter, but good teamwork made a huge difference. Etiher way, deffinitely watch some gameplay videos, they should help you with your choice a bit.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:56 pm

From what i've heard people love the game that participated in the leak. Most of them are praising the multiplayer and single player.

Can someone explain to me how people who downloaded the leak are able to play multiplayer??

As far i know, the server files are only going to be given to the GSP (Server Providers) partnered with EA, so on what servers are these guys playing on?

(forgive my ignorance)
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:44 am

Fact is, if you enjoyed any CoD game, or any Bad Company game, you'll enjoy Crysis 2.
It's not really the type of game where you can defend yourself, but a coordinated team can "lock" the other team
to a disadvantageous portion of the map, and the spawns are decent compared to most games.
Crysis 2 is for you if nothing else.

To the above post, I'm pretty sure it's all LAN and System Link.

Dont u want a cat?
And a cactus.

Some people think this "cat" thing is a joke.
That it's nothing more than a repetitive tag line.
That it serves no real purpose.

These people cannot possibly understand the epicness of a cat.
They do not realize the potential.
They will be left behind when the world moves forward.

They will regret their ignorance... When I am in possession of multiple cats.
Also; buy me a cat.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:52 pm

I tend not to trust any sort of reviewer ever, as they never directly say why they like or hate it, only interject what they think the the game should be like.

Many of you have played the beta and know the mechanics already, so I thought I'd ask if its twitched MW2 based, or BFBC 2 team play objective based.

The no medic thing sounds awesome already though, I won' t have 12 year olds screaming "MEDIC, MEDIC!" into my head set for a change.


Does encourage camping? I saw the IGN review and the guy hiding behind the book shelf in a fire fight was hilarious. but it didn't really say weather sitting there would make for a better score than than running and gunning.

Crytek tries not to encourage camping, but it really depends. Every fps game have campers, there's no way to change that.

The way the maps are designed, it seems like it's impossible to camp at a spot without another way to that spot. So, there's a chance you can get them back without them knowing it. The best part is, if you got killed by a guy who was invisible, there is going to be a perk or power up or whatever it's called and you can see whoever is invisible. This is an important perk/power up for multiplayer because I can tell a lot of people can abuse it like no tomorrow.

I got the limited edition of the game just so I can easily have a head start to get to a certain level where that specific power up/perk is unlocked. That's going to be my main perk/power up for the game, specifically Skyline.

The only thing I worry about in the game is how the campers are going to set up their kills once you enter a specific spot. I say this for the PC because that's where the real action is at.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:27 am

If you're asking console players about crysis, you're only going to hear fanboy butthurt remarks like 'it was crap' with no rationalisation because it was a game that proves beyond doubt that PC's are so much better than consoles.

Crysis 2 should be awesome too, and will be worth picking up even on console :)

Um....... what?

I'm a console guy (360 actually) and my only issue with the demo was that it had a slight connection issue (generally took about 3 "joins" to get into a lobby , then tended to disconnect right as it was about to load), so long as that can be worked I'll be quite happy.

OT: My experience from the demo was that there was a fair bit of twitch gameplay involved as it's a pretty fast paced shooter, but good teamwork made a huge difference. Etiher way, deffinitely watch some gameplay videos, they should help you with your choice a bit.

Not crysis 2! Crysis! :)

Every console fanboy (note: fanboy, not normal sane players) response to crysis was 'zomg crap' when confronted with the graphics that would make not only angels swoon, but consoles explode :)

At least consoles get the low version now though, so the fanboys can stop QQing (until the inevitable youtube comparison of the two versions, where they'll blindly say 'zomg 360 looks moar bettar!' while keeping their eyes shut tight).
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:19 am

Hello guys, I'm generally new tot he world in of FPS's and console shooters. I have only played Killzone2 and MW2 until now, because I am INCREDIBLY picky about what games I play.

So, I preorded killzone 3 and brink, and got in on the KZ3 beta. And it svcks. Its a total twitch shooter, and a complete downgrade to KZ2 in terms of game play and uniqueness. My opinion, not really looking to debate this here though.

So, I need a new console shooter to keep me preoccupied until brink. And I was checking out this game on IGN, and it blew me away. I had always thought crysis was about secret agents and ninja's (had it confused with the arcade game I used to play in the movie theater for 50 cents). XD The story line and armour customization looks beast. However, everyone I've asked has said the game svcked on all levels and was boring. When asked for a reason they really couldn't give one.

So, as a new player, I was wondering if this game would appeal to me, you know, at all?

I like team based game play, that does not encourage spawn camping or crouching by the stairs to earn free kills cause you're invisible. I like working with others to complete objectives and earning points without the flashy "carrier incoming!" gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, ducking out of the way to avoid grenades and following up with a well placed RPG shot is fine and all. but I'm not a fan of bots that score auto kills or anything. I also like FPS's where players have allot of health. If I'm gunning someone down from the back, they should be able to turn around and have a chance to kill me first, or at least maim me enough for a medic to finish me and heal him. I also like a nice recoil/bullet spread to my weapons and as little aim assist as possible.

So, according to that, will I enjoy this game?
I don't think kz3 svcks , it is fun to play
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Setal Vara
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:37 am

If you're asking console players about crysis, you're only going to hear fanboy butthurt remarks like 'it was crap' with no rationalisation because it was a game that proves beyond doubt that PC's are so much better than consoles.

Crysis 2 should be awesome too, and will be worth picking up even on console :)

Um....... what?

I'm a console guy (360 actually) and my only issue with the demo was that it had a slight connection issue (generally took about 3 "joins" to get into a lobby , then tended to disconnect right as it was about to load), so long as that can be worked I'll be quite happy.

OT: My experience from the demo was that there was a fair bit of twitch gameplay involved as it's a pretty fast paced shooter, but good teamwork made a huge difference. Etiher way, deffinitely watch some gameplay videos, they should help you with your choice a bit.

Not crysis 2! Crysis! :)

Every console fanboy (note: fanboy, not normal sane players) response to crysis was 'zomg crap' when confronted with the graphics that would make not only angels swoon, but consoles explode :)

At least consoles get the low version now though, so the fanboys can stop QQing (until the inevitable youtube comparison of the two versions, where they'll blindly say 'zomg 360 looks moar bettar!' while keeping their eyes shut tight).

Ah, my apologies, people keep digging at console players, and i jumped head first into a conclusion. >.<
On the fan-boy front, yep that seems to be the way its headed. And crysis 2 is excellent on consoles, I just wish my computer was up to date (its 5 years old and had a hard time with farcry XD, 360 was cheaper/easier for me).
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:29 pm

If you like the FPS, you will like Crysis 2 but better play play the demo and have an own opinion
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