Will C2 problems influence your future EA purchases?

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:17 pm

Alot of the Crytek apologists want us to blame EA for the huge amount of MP problems with Crysis 2, so I guess this question is mainly for them:

Given the problems with Crysis 2 MP, will you buy EA's next big shooter, Battlefield 3? The game looks amazing (as does Crysis 2), but if EA truly is to blame for the MP problems with C2, don't you think Battlefield 3 might end up with the same problems?

I'm personally on the fence with this one. While I don't exactly blame EA for the problems with Crysis 2 MP (this is Crytek's baby after all), I have had terrible luck with virtually all EA games I've ever got when it comes to online play (mainly their sports titles). The fact that Crysis 2 has soooo much potential that is being held down by crappy netcode has really disappointed me. I think I'll end up waiting a month or so after Battlefield 3 releases, and if there are unfixed problems, it should be well documented.
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JD bernal
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:01 pm

One difference :

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Dedicated Servers = Everybody's a winner

(So I'm guessing Battlefield 3 will follow suit)

Crysis 2 - P2P = Lag infested gutter gaming

Simple as that.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:56 pm

EA are just the publisher, they gave Crytek the money but ultimately its Crytek UK who are at fault for the state of the multiplayer experience (if it can be called that), people want to point the finger and since EA is on the box there getting it in the ear aswell, EA aren't at fault really, and since Batsy3 isn't made by Crytek/Crytek UK then i can't see it having the same problems. No doubt DICE will be hearing all about the farce that is Crysis2 online and will be doing everything to make it as near perfect as can be. This 1 game won't put me off future EA releases unless they work with these money stealing vultures again, I certainly won't be buying Crysis3 and not because of the poor multiplayer, its the lack of communication that has annoyed me. If Crytek released a statement to say whats going on then maybe they would keep some of the community interested, but its never going to happen at this rate.
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George PUluse
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:23 pm

Look, it IS the fault of EA. People who blame Crytek are completely ignorant of how funding games and the developer - publisher relationship works.

The publisher has almost complete control of the release date. They 'own' the game as they paid for it and they can kick it out the doors whenever they wish. Sure the developers can appeal to their better judgement, but ultimately they are not in control here. People make uneducated comparisons with titles like Nintendo and Valve not releasing games until they are ready, and that's because they SELF-FUND their games. Sure, EA distributes some Valve games, but they do not fund them and so cannot influence the release.

The date this was released is significant too. It came out just before the new tax year, so any delays wold have pushed this into next year's results, with possible implications for EA's profitablity in the 2010/11 year - THAT is why it was released lacking polish (and make no bones here, that's all it is - there's no game breakers - the lag is largely a myth borne from bad players making excuses, bad connections or bad host and region selection - something all games can suffer from apart from the latter, which is the only thing that needs working on)

Will I buy more EA games? Depends on the title. Yes, glitches are annoying, but I won't allow them to prevent me experiencing a game I enjoy. Will Battlefield suffer from similar issues? Yes and no. In it's favour, it's the marquee title they have stated they wish to take the crown from CoD with - and the huge profits that entails. As a result, they HAVE to get it right first time, fail and they lose that chance, so they will hire as many extra staff as needed to have it ready. Problem is, in order to rain on CoD's parade it also needs to release at the same time or just before MW3. Later and it will fail too, so if somehow it still is unfinished, they WILL release it regardless and patch later.

It is annoying and yes something should be done about it, but it's the price all early adopters have to pay, even with hardware. You can have all the testing period you like anyway, but you simply cannot afford to hire a million people for a month playing a game, so when it releases and that amount of strain hits the game, then OF COURSE they will find issues the 30 or so people in a room for a few weeks couldn't, and as long as the patch is swift (seriously, a month is fine considering they need to recieve reports, isolate the causes, write the code then wait weeks for Microsoft cetification) then who cares? Does your life depend on playing this videogame every waking hour? Have you never played a big budget FPS where this is the case almost all the time? Take a break and come back when it's fixed, or enjoy it as it is in the perfectly fine state it is like the 99.99% of the community that don't endlessly whine here do (seriously, they're about 50 people out of what? A million sales?)

Long story short - game is largely fine, issues are to be expected, it's only been out a month, videogames are not life and death, complainers are a miniscule minority, I will buy the next EA game on its merits, same as every other game by every other developer.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 9:40 pm

Will I buy more EA games? Depends on the title. Yes, glitches are annoying, but I won't allow them to prevent me experiencing a game I enjoy. Will Battlefield suffer from similar issues? Yes and no. In it's favour, it's the marquee title they have stated they wish to take the crown from CoD with - and the huge profits that entails. As a result, they HAVE to get it right first time, fail and they lose that chance, so they will hire as many extra staff as needed to have it ready. Problem is, in order to rain on CoD's parade it also needs to release at the same time or just before MW3. Later and it will fail too, so if somehow it still is unfinished, they WILL release it regardless and patch later.

Well, EA said the EXACT same thing about last year's Medal of Honor (being a COD killer), and it was terrible in just about every aspect. So far, EA's recent track record for online games has been less than favorable. Crysis 2, Medal of Honor, NCAA Football, all made by different developers but all have poorly performing online play. While I still contend that Crytek is mainly to blame, it certainly seems that EA is pushing titles out faster than their developers can make them.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:45 pm

No.... **** that. Totally **** that. This game is in the state it's in because Crytek **** up. EA doesn't set release dates. Crytek would have been responsible for telling EA when they expected the game to be ready. EA would then plan to release the game at that date. No where did EA say "Oh you only need 3 months." So either Crytek **** up and couldn't finish the game on time, or they straight under-shot the release date to improve their contract with EA. Had it taken 6 more months to finish the game, the amount of money required to get the game to it's release date may have been greater than EA wanted to risk with their investment. Also, Crytek stands to make more money from an earlier release date as well.

Beyond them not meeting their deadlines and just being **** developers in general. They probably communicated as well to EA as they have with their players. Had they told EA they needed more time and the game was broken, they would have been given it with the consequence of losing more money. EA wouldn't fully fund the time needed to finish the game since it would be Crytek's fault for not meeting the deadline they agreed to. Push-back's on release dates happen in every industry but especially in game development and EA is more aware of that than anyone. A publisher stands to lose more money based on a shotty product more so than the developer. EA has more money floating around this project than Crytek ever will. That's the point of having a publisher fund the game.

A developer only has to sell one publisher on their game. That's it. They then just need to meet the deadlines they agreed to. The publisher is then left with the stress of having to sell the product to millions of people so that they can get their money back.


No where in their contract with EA does it say "GO SILENT" after release for over a month.

^^ This is 100% crytek and their total lack of respect towards their customers. The lack of communication by itself makes Crytek a pathetic waste of space. All in all, I hope EA drops Crytek as a developer. They should, because Crytek is incompetent.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:38 am

No.... **** that. Totally **** that. This game is in the state it's in because Crytek **** up. EA doesn't set release dates. Crytek would have been responsible for telling EA when they expected the game to be ready. EA would then plan to release the game at that date. No where did EA say "Oh you only need 3 months." So either Crytek **** up and couldn't finish the game on time, or they straight under-shot the release date to improve their contract with EA. Had it taken 6 more months to finish the game, the amount of money required to get the game to it's release date may have been greater than EA wanted to risk with their investment. Also, Crytek stands to make more money from an earlier release date as well.

Beyond them not meeting their deadlines and just being **** developers in general. They probably communicated as well to EA as they have with their players. Had they told EA they needed more time and the game was broken, they would have been given it with the consequence of losing more money. EA wouldn't fully fund the time needed to finish the game since it would be Crytek's fault for not meeting the deadline they agreed to. Push-back's on release dates happen in every industry but especially in game development and EA is more aware of that than anyone. A publisher stands to lose more money based on a shotty product more so than the developer. EA has more money floating around this project than Crytek ever will. That's the point of having a publisher fund the game.

A developer only has to sell one publisher on their game. That's it. They then just need to meet the deadlines they agreed to. The publisher is then left with the stress of having to sell the product to millions of people so that they can get their money back.


No where in their contract with EA does it say "GO SILENT" after release for over a month.

^^ This is 100% crytek and their total lack of respect towards their customers. The lack of communication by itself makes Crytek a pathetic waste of space. All in all, I hope EA drops Crytek as a developer. They should, because Crytek is incompetent.

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Abi Emily
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:57 pm

The Rage is Strong in this one.

[Dissatisfaction: Achieved with CryEngine3]
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:01 pm


No where in their contract with EA does it say "GO SILENT" after release for over a month.

^^ This is 100% crytek and their total lack of respect towards their customers. The lack of communication by itself makes Crytek a pathetic waste of space. All in all, I hope EA drops Crytek as a developer. They should, because Crytek is incompetent.
I agree with Larry's post in its entirety. But even if the blame was up in the air over why Crysis 2 limped onto store shelves in the state it was in, I think the handling of this by Crytek has been a cluster-**** of colossal proportions.

When I first got this game I thoroughly enjoyed it and even though it had its issues had high hopes that Crytek would make things better in time. Afterall, it's Crytek's next big game and their flagship for CryEngine 3.

Now time has gone by and I don't feel any more secured by anything that's been said or done. The 360 community had to hold Crytek's feet to the fire to get patch notes for the first update and even they seemed inaccurate or meant for another platform. The best part of the latest title update Crysis 2 got was an acknowledgement of the film grain bug many users are reporting in the patch notes. Which will be fixed 'in the future.'

The game I played and enjoyed has been ruined by the unprofessional conduct of Crytek in their handling of the release of this game, its subsequent patching and the communication with it's consumer base (or lack thereof). It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 9:28 pm

I have a 3.72 K.D And I think this Game has Laggy Connections.

Not as bad as Cod 4 Lag more like Black ops lag.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:58 am

EA - No

Crytek - hell @&890!$%^^&**!!! Yes

Cryengine3 - only if its campaign else ....
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:30 pm

Well the only problem here is Crytek as far as I know ;p
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:01 pm

One difference :

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Dedicated Servers = Everybody's a winner

(So I'm guessing Battlefield 3 will follow suit)

Crysis 2 - P2P = Lag infested gutter gaming

Simple as that.
Its not P2P, The servers are all dedies. You don't own the game do you? If you did you would have known that
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Red Sauce
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:30 pm

One difference :

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Dedicated Servers = Everybody's a winner

(So I'm guessing Battlefield 3 will follow suit)

Crysis 2 - P2P = Lag infested gutter gaming

Simple as that.
Its not P2P, The servers are all dedies. You don't own the game do you? If you did you would have known that
He's Probably talking about consoles. BC2 has dedies on all platforms but lacks a browser on the consoles, whereas Crysis 2 is P2P on consoles.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:58 pm

EA - No

Crytek - hell @&890!$%^^&**!!! Yes

Cryengine3 - only if its campaign else ....
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