IE: 12 gauge rounds turned into Dragons Breath rounds.
Anyone heard/seen anything about it?
I have not heard anything about it coming back, don't think so, but not positive
I've seen no news on this topic unfortunately, I was hoping we might get a bit of ammo crafting in F4.
Not likely, see Fallout New Vegas is an Obsidian title and not a product of Bethsada. Gets confusing eh?
Well don't be look it was part of a settlement agreement that's why FNV was made.
Not likely going to see much of anything from FNV at all.
There are not multiple types of ammo per calibre. If you want your gun to have abilities like armour-piercing you need to look into weapon modding.
It's unfortunate because I really liked the NV ammo system.
I don't think ammo types similar to new Vegas will be in fallout 4 but Weapons that fall into the rifleman class get armor penetration as part of that perk tree.
Doesn't look like it looking at the perks chart. I'm going to miss my Handloader perk