I don't understand where all you optimists are coming from.
So far we have seen: level scaling, fast travel, same size world, 18 skills down from 21, Perks?, the abolition of skills, only marginally better graphics, and no sign of spears or many of the other things missing from Oblivion. Everything points in the wrong direction. Where is the ambition?, the innovation? I'm looking very hard, but so far have seen none.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic this time around because I don't want to be let down again like what happened with Oblivion.
Level-scaling - get your facts right, please. It was there since Arena. Also, it has been confirmed that SK will not use OB's system but F3's which was light years better
Fast Travel - the only game that (partly) didn't have it was MW. Since there are very few advantages of not having it, it being there is a good choice. Optionally, travel services could be there but removal of Fast Travel is a big no
Same World Size - if you have seen screenshots you would know that unlike OB, the world is not an flat place. MW was smaller but landscape made it seem larger. SK's landscape is even more radical so it will leave huger feeling
Number of skills & Perks - number of skills does not equal complexity and if Perks are mixed well, the new system can be deeper then any of older TES games. And if you tried to not watch so narrow mindlessly, you would see what potential TES skill system merged with perks could have
The abolition of skills - as well as their return (Enchant) and addition of some new ones. Don't talk about skills until you know what skills there will be
Spears - unless you can make spears different then the rest of the weaponry (and it should be different: spears mean different combat style then sword usage (YES, MW svcked in that regard: spears should NEVER be just different type of swords)), don't implement them. Resources can be better used elsewhere and since 7/10 people who want them would never use them but would just like them to be there, the demand is ridiculous and childish
With that all said, I am not part of Mainstream but if you think that mainstreaming means dumbing down and making it fit for retards to play then you are narrow-minded. Mainstreaming means just removal of useless stuff and focusing on making other elements better. Lack of atmosphere and bad storyline were a result of laziness, not mainstreaming (even mainsstreamers know how to value atmosphere and story) while Level Scaling was an badly designed feature.
In other words, OB's fault was not that it was mainstreamed (as some elitists love to believe... guess it makes them feel smart) but the fact that development itself went in wrong way (laziness, bad design decisions, biting more then they could chew (aka tried to put too many awesome features and then realized that they can't actually make them all work as intended on time) and some others) as well as experimenting on some new ideas that would improve future games (while sacrificing the current one... part of evolution, just ask Alduin). Blaming everything on mainstreaming is just closing eyes to reality and it accomplishes nothing but irritates the developers who seek to please both parties (RPG developers are rarely part of the mainstream so they wish to to please the other party as well). And yes, if you think about it definitely can make a game that both mainstreamers and hardcoe RPG players would like to play.
As for where do some of us get optimism? Here are mine sources:
1. Fallout 3 - many mistakes from OB were not repeated there which means that they probably won't be repeated in Skyrim either
2. Focus on story and atmosphere - unlike OB which tried to fascinate players with awesome graphics (which ironically it never had in the end... probably because consoles weren't able to handle it) beautiful landscapes and trees, Skyrim tries to do it through atmosphere, story and gameplay. If this doesn't show that design philosophy is completely different from OB's, then nothing does
3. Development in late phases - OB promised a lot, but most of it only in early phases. Why? Because many of those features were cut out (I talked about it above). SK promises the same but since the development is almost finished, those promises seem to be a reality