» Tue May 17, 2011 11:02 am
Why does every thread turn into an Oblivion bash fest?
I like Morrowind better than Oblivion too but Oblivion was still an enjoyable game that actually improved things from Morrowind. It's not like Morrowind was a perfect game either. Also, I am sick and tired of people being scared of the use of the term "low fantasy". From the literal definition, Skyrim is already far from being "low fantasy". I think it is going to be low fantasy in that characters won't be larger than life and the world will have real life problems. It probably refers specifically with the new art direction. Remember Todd's talk about JRPGs being really high fantasy? I think Skyrim is low fantasy in this context in that there is nothing to over the top. Also, the example of how low fantasy is applied is instead of some function in the world of Skyrim being explained as "it's magic, lol" to "the ore that ti is created with produces a magical substance that allows this to function". Of course I can be completely wrong about my assumption, but I don't see how the literary definition of low fantasy can be applied to Skyrim in any way where you fight trolls, have two different spells in each hand, and fight dragons.
Anyways, it is technically too early to tell if Skyrim will be better than Oblivion. However, I am impressed about what I have seen so far and I have faith that Bethesda will craft a better game than Oblivion. I like what I am seeing about the improved Radiant AI, the combat, dragon shouts, improved level scaling, and seemingly more interesting lore. I personally can't wait to insert the Skyrim disc into my PC for the first time.