» Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:11 pm
I really hope not. I'd rather not mod the game before I play the game, but an alignment system would get nuked in the Creation Kit within 5 minutes of me installing Skyrim.
I transcribed an OXM interview with Todd a while back, in which he talked some about how dialogue works. I can't find the thread, so I'll just re-post the relevant bit here in case it's of interest. (Note that I was unnecessarily precise, so it reads a lot less fluidly than Todd actually spoke.)
OXM: One of the things you've solved is the old, zoom into characters' faces when they start talking to you-
Todd: Solved as in took it out. Yeah. [laughs] Solved!
OXM: Tell me what's there instead.
Todd: Well now we wanted to treat dialogue, not- not as another mode. So before we would always treat it as, well this is a mode you're in, talking to somebody, but we want it to be sort of just, smooth in the same way, fighting a guy isn't another mode; it's just something you're doing, you know, the buttons are doing at the time. So now, the game doesn't stop, it's all real time - you press a button on a guy and like a trim(?) thing comes up, where the topics you can ask come out, on the edge of the screen, and you can select them with the thing, you can press the button and just continue on.
You can actually... it's almost like displaying the menu and closing the menu? What we've actually found is a guy will be giving you a quest, and traditionally you'd click him and you're listening to the quest, and you jam the button to like, listen to it all and get the quest, well now he starts talking and you just press B to close it. He keeps... he just keeps talking; and then you just walk away and you're like "yeah I got it," and you just wander off, and, you know you can kind of back up and, talk to someone else and he's still- but he might stop, if you get far enough he just says, "okay I get it." But you can re-engage him right away without ever breaking the flow of that?
It even allows us to have, sometimes we can have conversations with multiple people, so we just kind of viewed it as... not a whole 'nother mode it's like a trim(?) thing, like okay, how do you respond to somebody, as opposed to entering a mode where there's a back and forth.