the design is not crappy. you can't even compare a katana to another european sword other than its metal and it has a hilt. the design never changed because it never had to. just because a katana is smaller in appearance to a european sword doesn't make it worse than one. i bet if you placed a high quality low alloy katan on a scale and a high quality european sword of same length they would way near the same. this is because of the density of a katana. also bear in mind that european swords were designed with the fact that an adversary would be wearing plate armor and would be heavy. wheras an adversary of someone wielding a katana would be relying on speed and agility.
False, the design is made for slashing and the type of slash that a Katana is capable of otherwise it's technique would leave you vulnerable to many attacks due to you having to slash downward. The agility concept is also false, it's like saying which is a myth that a knight can't pick himself up when knocked down from a horse. That is also false.
This is like saying a Samurai can defeat a Knight because he has more agility, which is also False.
I know it's not just you man, but people need to stop getting off-topic. Clearly neither side is going to be dissuaded, it's just derailing a fairly simple thread. Just a point though: You're not doing yourself any favours by resorting to "please don't try to explain things you have absolutely no comprehension of", it just makes you come off as smug (and in my eyes wrong, as if you're winning an argument you let the facts speak for themselves).
Anyway, I would quite like them to be in the game. There's a plausible explanation for them being there Lore-wise and it would add some diversity to the weapons, something I always like seeing. Some tier-ing on them would be nice also, as later in the game they were nearly useless in Oblivion.
It's about facts not personal opinion.