There will absolutely not be a VATS system, and I'm sure the majority would hate if there was.
I'd definitely do some nerd-raging if some hideous VATS-wannabe abomination got snuck into Skyrim. :sick:
Well you dont have my vote on that one and I havent seen anyone talk +/- for this kind of a feature so I doubt there is any majority to speak of....
really? Then please allow me to be of assistance. Just apply a little rocket science (as in typing "VATS" into the forum search bar at top right) and let's see what we find. Oh look, a "do you want VATS in Skyrim" thread
with a poll!
159 votes cast, and the results?
YES (10 votes [6.29%]) Percentage of vote: 6.29%
HELL NO!!! (149 votes [93.71%]) Percentage of vote: 93.71%
I don't know how
you define such things, but I'd say over 90% voting one way fits most definitions of "majority" pretty well.