Will Skyrim suffer from Oblivion Syndrome ?, Can it be avvoi

Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:29 am

I didnt suffer from that, apart from my first playtrough i first did the factions and then the main quest to avoid thos annoying gates :tes:
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Michael Russ
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:34 am

Funny thing is same people complaining about "being forced down the path of the main quest" would be the same ones complaining "this is an Invasion, why so nonchalant about it, what doesn't Beth understand about the word Invasion" if they had written the main quest in OB with less urgency.
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brandon frier
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:57 am

Well that would svck, either tell me to Join the Blades Now aka MQ or have me Decide to Explore the World.

After he saved my ass I'll let him train me for a day or two lol.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:55 pm

It's always interesting to see threads with completely different views on things. In this case, the other thread was a good long while ago, but I recall someone asking if there would be some actual time pressure this time, unlike Oblivion where you could just blow things off and the MQ would still be there waiting patiently for you. :D

(Personally, the whole thing doesn't bother me... but, then, I'm a jaded old RPG player, who's who's played so many games where you can http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeYourTime, that I don't even really notice it anymore. So far separated from the concept of "new player" that I can't even imagine how they'd perceive it. :confused:)
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:44 am

Oblivion destroyed the formula, (not necesasarliy a bad thing)

I thought it was bad.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:13 am

So let me get this straight. Kvatch is burning, people are dying, the daedra are invading and you want Jauffrey to say "Well, dozens are dying and you can stop that OR you can go help that lady over there gather some flowers for her bouquet. The choice is yours."

Add to that the fact that if Martin dies everything will go to hell, literally, and you want things to be like "No biggy man, take your time, sure, the only person that can save our world from hellspawn is in a church surrounded by hellspawn, but you just take your time, perhaps go for a drink or sell some veal, go swimming or repair your armor."

That is completely nonsensical. In neverwinter nights you also had the quest giver say something like "You must hurry to that inn and save our agent. Quickly, GO!" but you didn't have to hurry at all and you could do 10 quests before continuing to do that one. Same thing for Morrowind and I'm sure many other open world games, if not all.

I mean really, out of all the flaws Oblivion had, you picked this one, which isn't a flaw to begin with...

So let me get this straight.

Kvatch is burning, etc., but if I set the time scale of the game to 10,000:1 and leave the game running for 6 real-time months, for a total time of, I believe, 5000 in-game YEARS, It's cool. Jauffre was wrong, I didn't have to hurry at all. Neither did my children, my children's children etc.

It was an absolutely huge flaw.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:09 pm

I feel that if there is urgency, it should be real. It should be possible to fail quests if they're not completed within a reasonable time period.

Yeah, I know, many disagree.
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James Shaw
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:08 pm

Funny thing is same people complaining about "being forced down the path of the main quest" would be the same ones complaining "this is an Invasion, why so nonchalant about it, what doesn't Beth understand about the word Invasion" if they had written the main quest in OB with less urgency.

No, because we are saying that they should have written the MQ differently.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:21 am

One thing that annoyed me greatly about Oblivion was how the conversations in the main quest were constantly pushing you to the next part of the main quest with the upmost urgency, which in an open world with hundreds of side quests was really annoying.

for instance you would go and see Brother Jauffrey with the ammulate and he would tell you about Martin Septim and made it clear you had to go to Kvatch NOW !!!. But i did'nt want to go to Kvatch, i wanted to explore the world, joins some guilds, bulid up my charachters skills.

in other words the tone of the conversations did not match at all the pace of the game. One game reviewer years later coined the phrase Oblivion Syndrome.

I really dont want Skyrim to suffer from this,

can it be avoided ?

will Skyrim suffer form Oblivion Syndrome ?

never heard this kind of ...
/disagree completly
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Rob Smith
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:42 pm

Hmmm, I am curious. Did no one in this thread read the window pane that popped up after you exited the sewers?

Date and time you exited

The red arrow on your compass shows the direction of Weynon Priory. You can walk there by following your compass or use your world map to travel there directly. Or you can set off in any direction and begin exploring the world on your own. Good Luck!

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:14 pm

Obviously you could do that, but a Noob like me who Never played an RPG Game before and Oblivion was my First Game, i Assumed i Must take the Amulet to Jauffre NOW. :P
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:13 am

Am I the only one that did not have a problem being rushed through oblivion. When i was playing it yes he did tell me go and save Martin yada yada yada but you know what while traveling i was exploring at the same time. So after the quest i was able to save Martin and then take him to the Blades. I do appreciate in the game what i have to do because after i beat the main quest i have my bearings on where I am at. The side quests are all still waiting for me no matter what and I dont have to worry about oh well theres the oblivion gate over there im going to leave it alone and forget about it. You cant so the best thing to do is just get it done with and move on from it. Morrowind when i first played it I was a little confused and I did like how in the main quest the one guy told you to go and train and there was no sense of urgency because he went and told you to train and explore. So I hope skyrim has something like that where a guy tells you to go explore and train and get to know the people. I dont have a problem with oblivion at all though.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:36 am

I liked in Morrowind how Caius said "chillax man, go bufff up some more"
And Daggerfall also had the kind of sandbox feel, your first quest being.... INVESTIGATE

Arena took ten years according to lore, so i'm guessing it wasn't THAT urgent

Good point... this did add a lot to the feel of freedom. Moreso than I realized until thinking about it. Hopefully, Skyrim feels a little more like this, even when the main quest has been activated.

Still... pretty low on the complaint list for me.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:01 am

Could always do sidequests as you follow the main quest line, like, you go to Town 1 and have to do the main quest, but since you're new to that town you take a look around and find out that some people need help with various things, you choose to do a couple of them then continue the main quest that is in the town then finish the rest of the sidequests after that until you go to the next town or leave them hanging.
After you complete the game there will be several sidequests still hanging around and since you've saved the world and are free from any urgent matter to attend to your character tries to find a new goal in life, to search for a new meaning and so continues to go from town to town as a wandering lone mercenary.

Works perfectly fine to me.
Nothing says you can't mix the exploration, the sidequests and still follow the main quest in an orderly fashion according to the urgency of the dialogue.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:18 am

Hmmm, I am curious. Did no one in this thread read the window pane that popped up after you exited the sewers?

Date and time you exited

The red arrow on your compass shows the direction of Weynon Priory. You can walk there by following your compass or use your world map to travel there directly. Or you can set off in any direction and begin exploring the world on your own. Good Luck!


That is a fair point, but Kvatch is already burned down, so as soon as you get near it you are compelled to help out. I suppose you are right.

But the games MQ doesn't ease up on you like MW and DF, as soon as you start it, it's like a film. In MW every quest was only urgent while you were playing it. It was only Aid for Bruma that was more relaxed.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:16 pm

Yeah, I'm hoping it is more relaxed this time around.

I loved Caius in Morrowind, my favorite skooma addict in the game. "hmm, you'll need a backstory, how about adventurer, make sure you KEEP ACTIVE IN THAT FIELD, wouldn't want to arouse suspicion"

i loved that, how he just gave you a nice big window to go out and do what ever you thought Adventurers might do. Hell, his first 2 quests send you to the fighters Guild and Mages Guild. (did they forget about thieves??)
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:06 am

One thing that annoyed me greatly about Oblivion was how the conversations in the main quest were constantly pushing you to the next part of the main quest with the upmost urgency, which in an open world with hundreds of side quests was really annoying.

for instance you would go and see Brother Jauffrey with the ammulate and he would tell you about Martin Septim and made it clear you had to go to Kvatch NOW !!!. But i did'nt want to go to Kvatch, i wanted to explore the world, joins some guilds, bulid up my charachters skills.

in other words the tone of the conversations did not match at all the pace of the game. One game reviewer years later coined the phrase Oblivion Syndrome.

I really dont want Skyrim to suffer from this,

can it be avoided ?

will Skyrim suffer form Oblivion Syndrome ?

Have you stopped to think about the story-line AT ALL? The whole premise was Daedric were invading the lands of Cyrodiil. It would not have made sense to have a casual, laid-back feeling during the main quests, while constantly under the threat of an invading force bent on total annihilation.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:03 am

Have you stopped to think about the story-line AT ALL? The whole premise was Daedric were invading the lands of Cyrodiil. It would not have made sense to have a casual, laid-back feeling during the main quests, while constantly under the threat of an invading force bent on total annihilation.

Read the whole threa before getting hot under the collar, because I couldn't be bothered repeating myself
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Jay Baby
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:18 pm

Personally I could do without a main quest altogether, but to the rest of the world that's just weird.

You know why it is? Because it doesn't give us any accomplishment in the world. We are random hero #6,000,000,000 just trying to do good for the land and not actually making any indelible mark upon it. As a leader of the guild, we will be archived but forgotten. Savior of a town, the next generation forgets. Political murderer, the state goes on. There is nothing inherently special about doing side quests if there is no meat to the world. True, main quests from Bethesda have been notoriously lame in one aspect or t'other :down: , but that doesn't mean they don't have their place in building a world. It also gives a character room to progress instead of a self-imposed mandate.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:30 am

Have you stopped to think about the story-line AT ALL? The whole premise was Daedric were invading the lands of Cyrodiil. It would not have made sense to have a casual, laid-back feeling during the main quests, while constantly under the threat of an invading force bent on total annihilation. Seriously, use your brain from something other than a hat rack... :banghead:

I'd like it if it got progressively more threatening until, after a certain point it was more Oblivion-ish.

Like, first MQ mission and it's pretty simple, go meet the Grey Beards. After that maybe they tell you, "Hey, you should try and kill a couple dragons and try some shouts out." or something.

After a bit it would become more, "Go there asap and stop the whatever it is!!!".
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:48 am

Have you stopped to think about the story-line AT ALL? The whole premise was Daedric were invading the lands of Cyrodiil. It would not have made sense to have a casual, laid-back feeling during the main quests, while constantly under the threat of an invading force bent on total annihilation.

i dont think your getting what i am trying to say, maybe try a little bit more constructive critasism
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John N
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:59 am

I'd like it if it got progressively more threatening until, after a certain point it was more Oblivion-ish.

Like, first MQ mission and it's pretty simple, go meet the Grey Beards. After that maybe they tell you, "Hey, you should try and kill a couple dragons and try some shouts out." or something.

After a bit it would become more, "Go there asap and stop the whatever it is!!!".

Like Daggerfall! It starts off slow and the end is more hectic
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:58 am

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Da Missz
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:07 pm

Exactly, Kvatch was burning and all that Daedra stuff, but i wasnt interested in jumping straight to the main quest , i wanted to explore the amazing lanscape thap Bethesda had created, but because of the imediate urgency of the main quest, you can either start doing it straight away or completely break the mood of the game and story and start doing your own thing. I want Skyrim to give you the chance to do your own thing before it starts hitting you with any urgent storylines and quests.

and i think its a perfectly legitimate point

you had to travel to weynon priory in the first place, that in itself is you starting the main quest . you started the urgency, you were perfectly able to explore or wheatever.

the first place i went my first playthrough was cheydenhall, i didnt even know what weynon priory was untill about 60 hours into the game
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meg knight
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:42 pm

Have you stopped to think about the story-line AT ALL? The whole premise was Daedric were invading the lands of Cyrodiil. It would not have made sense to have a casual, laid-back feeling during the main quests, while constantly under the threat of an invading force bent on total annihilation.

The point is don't start the game with the emperor being murdered by a daedric cult right in front of you and him telling you only you can stop the end of the world, I've seen it in my prophetic dreams. Instead start you off getting pardoned or not being in jail but the first quest is to investigate some daedric cults they seem to be planning something big. Half way through the game have them kill the emperor and you get the I have a love child in kvatch story line. That way the game does not start off with such urgency and the player is in a better place to explore and do side quests on a role playing level.
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