Will Skyrim be the last Full TES game?

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:04 pm

Now I know this may sound stupid and I hope that I'm wrong :tes: but after watching the teaser trailer over and over again listening to the prophecy go through all the TES games ending at Skyrim with Dovakin fighting the dragons and that's the end of the prophecy :facepalm: ....so does that mean that'll be the end of TES besides maybe some DLC or something? If it's not then why would the prophecy end there? Any thoughts on where the next game, if there will be one, should take place? Here's to hoping Bethesda either makes an MMO TES game that covers all of Tamriel or remakes and updates Daggerfall for all platforms :wub: .
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:10 am

What could possibly make you think that, number one, the return of Alduin is the last prophecy recorded/foretold in the Elder Scrolls, or more to the point, that Bethesda would take their cash cow out into a field and blast its brains out with buckshot? Skyrim is going to sell like moon sugar at a skooma addiction support group, and Fallout 4 will as well, and TES 6 after that.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:16 am

Poll is broken, where is my option for "of course there will be another full TES game"
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:18 am

I think they're just using the first games to boost the story of Skyrim. It doesn't neccessarily mean that this is the end. The TES world will still exist after the events of Skyrim, especially if the Dovahkiin is successful in stopping Alduin, which means games can still be made. I also think that all the actual Elder Scrolls prophesized the events leading up to the event written on the Scroll. I'm not sure about that though, a bigger lore buff can correct me if he/she prefers. I also believe that a short time after Skyrim's announcement I heard that one of the developers say that they were rebooting the Elder Scrolls series with Skyrim, I can't remember where I heard it though.

As for the poll, I don't specifaclly want either, an MMO is a horrible idea, and I would prefer they just make new games rather than make remakes that most long time TES fans will complain about like no other.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:27 am

Broken poll is broken
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:58 pm

There is still a lot of Nirn not yet explored. I suppose it is possible that the devs could contrive a different artifact, or other symbolic item and name a series after it.

However, the TES label seems to be doing pretty good and I would gladly buy TES VI.

It's up to them.
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:08 am

Where is the neither/no option?

Using Lotro as a reference a MMO would allow for a bigger area (maybe even Tamriel) but it would require Bethesda working on it fulltime, and would be more generic, not to mention having crippling fees.

Remaking Daggerfall would require taking the Daggerfall tory and starting from scratch (don't get me wrong I love Daggerfall, but it isn't a very good game gameplay wise), I'd rather they made a completely new game set in High Rock or Hammerfell.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:58 am

there's still at least three other provinces we can visit (or four, assuming the Infernal City's fleshing out of Black Marsh wasn't their way of saying "an entire game set in a swamp would be boring as [censored] even with walking trees and [censored] so here's this instead"), plus a bunch of stuff outside of Tamriel.

i'm fully expecting a TES6 and i'm fully expecting it to take place in Summerset Isle, if not both Summerset Isle and Valenwood, just because of how politically important the reformation of the Aldmeri Dominion is and how interesting and alien a setting Summerset would be.

companies don't just kill popular franchises, especially not franchises that have been going strong consistently since the early '90s. TES will be over when Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto are over.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:30 am

Nope. There is plenty more to see and do.
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Mel E
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:47 pm

TES will be over when Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto are over.

And that I hope, at least in Final Fantasy and TES's case, will be never.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:20 pm

What could possibly make you think that, number one, the return of Alduin is the last prophecy recorded/foretold in the Elder Scrolls, or more to the point, that Bethesda would take their cash cow out into a field and blast its brains out with buckshot? Skyrim is going to sell like moon sugar at a skooma addiction support group, and Fallout 4 will as well, and TES 6 after that.

well the teaser trailers prophecy tells the prophecy through all the games and ends with skyrim so if there is no more prophecy then no more need for a hero to save Tamriel...
I understand what your saying about the whole cash cow thing but i mean take movies and books for instance some times the writers and movie makers just get tired of doing the same books/movies over and over again. Not saying any of the TES games svck, but that's why most movies don't get sequels and when they do most of them svck....But I do believe games are different especially RPG's but that doesn't mean Todd and his crew don't want to try and make other games.

But either way I wasn't stating that this is the end of TES...I am asking if it is and if not where they'd like to see the next game and if they'd prefer an MMO or remake or both.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:32 pm

Yes, Skyrim will be the last TES game. The Dragonborn will make an epic fail and all of Nirn is eaten by a hungry dragon. Besides that: why would Bethesda even concider to make another game for the highly unsuccesfull TES series? :disco:
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:59 am

well the teaser trailers prophecy tells the prophecy through all the games and ends with skyrim so if there is no more prophecy then no more need for a hero to save Tamriel...
I understand what your saying about the whole cash cow thing but i mean take movies and books for instance some times the writers and movie makers just get tired of doing the same books/movies over and over again. Not saying any of the TES games svck, but that's why most movies don't get sequels and when they do most of them svck....But I do believe games are different especially RPG's but that doesn't mean Todd and his crew don't want to try and make other games.

But either way I wasn't stating that this is the end of TES...I am asking if it is and if not where they'd like to see the next game and if they'd prefer an MMO or remake or both.

Have you read the Belgariad? They fulfill the prophecy there and manage to slug through the Mallorean as well.

But even if the prophecy ends, Morrowind and Oblivion had completely seperate prophecies, so I'm sure Bethesda will just crank another one out, or even go for a less epic scale, like overthrowing a corrupt king or combating a cult rather than saving the world.

Less epic storylines filling the 200 year gap?
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:50 am

It's called clever writing. By twisting all the past stories and saying they've all been leading to this, there's automatically a lot more danger implanted into the main story. If it were just Aldiun coming to eat the planet that would be one thing. But by saying all the past stories had been leading to this makes one feel even more on edge about the plot.

It's like two climix's stacked on top of each other. Skyrim's story's climix along with the past game's climix's.

But here's the thing. We know we can play after the main quest. That means we all ready know there's a way to save the world. Aldiun has stated before that something horrible will happen if he can't finish his Kalpa. Since we know we somehow stop him, and something horrible will happen if he is unable to eat the planet, odds are the next poor bumbling fool dubbed the hero will have to clean up the Dragonborn's mess. Just like the Dragonborn's cleaning up the CoC's mess. Just like the CoC cleaned up the Nerevarine's mess.

And even on a strict money/business standpoint. Would you make another TES game and sell copies simply because it holds the TES on the cover, or come up with a completely new title that might not sell?
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:32 am

I don't see Skyrim being the last game in the Elder Scrolls series, sure, it's been said that the plots for past games all lead up to Skyrim, but that doesn't mean we can't have more games after it, unless Alduin somehow actually succeeds in eating the world, which considering that we can play after the main quest is obviously not the official ending of the game, and as long as Tamriel exists, another threat can appear. It's not like Alduin is the source of all troubles that have befallen Tamriel so far, it's just that the prophecy foretelling his return identifies the events of past games as signs of his coming, thus, from a story standpoint, there's no reason another game can't be made. Saying the stories of past games are part of the prophecy is just a way to tie the game in with its predecessors, and why not? It's in the same world, so there's no reason why the events of past games can't lead into it, even indirectly, it doesn't mean Skyrim is the end of some grand plan Bethesda had in mind from the start, which I'm pretty sure they did not. I really can't see Bethesda choosing to end the series now, it would seem like a bad business move, seeing as the series continues to be successful, and you should know companies don't like to abandon successful properties without good reason, and it's not like Bethesda has exhausted all potential for new games.

And as to the poll options, out of the two, I'd rather go with a Daggerfall remake, only because it's something I might actually want to play, but really, I don't want either, I want new, single player Elder Scrolls games.
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josh evans
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:43 am

Ahm... this is a completely different story and prophecy here in Skyrim, why would it mean it's the last TES game? Of course there will be a nother full Elder Scrolls game. TES VI ftw.

Btw, I would totally vote against an MMO if there was an option. Anyway, the game's not even out yet, no need to speculate about what is next.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:56 pm

next one will be a perfect TES shooter , do not be pessimistic
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:46 am

I'd like an Elder Scrolls MMO. And an updated Daggerfall. But it would be cool if there was a person (The player) that would sail to another provence or country.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:23 am

Poll is broken, where is my option for "of course there will be another full TES game"

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Cameron Wood
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:22 pm

There's absolutely no way that there won't be another Elder Scrolls game Why the hell would Bethesda stop the series - its virtually a license to print money??

Apart from the fact that there are many provinces that we've either never been to, or could revisit, there is also the rest of Nirn to explore. Even then they could do some sort of prequel, based in a previous era.

Basically, it will go on for as long as people are buying the games, which is highly likely to be a long time yet....
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Hilm Music
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:47 pm

What they're doing seems more like a new beginning than an end to me. Stuff like moving forward 200 years into a new era, and releasing the novels that change up a lot of the familiar things. It'd be odd to put all that work into remaking the world and then stop it there.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:59 am

Poll is broken, where is my option for "of course there will be another full TES game"

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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:53 pm

Your not the first person to get this idea from Skyrim's plot and you probably won't be the last. Personally I think we can expect at least another 20 years of TES games. The future's so bright...we gotta wear shades.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:53 pm


^sung in Skyrim theme chant (after Esbern says 'dragonborn!')

I'll doubt they'll give up now. TES, in my opinion, is still evolving and reaching its peak. Only when they run out of interesting places to go they decide to call it a day.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:03 pm

The thing is once they've covered all of Tamriel it won't even end there, as they've got the option to go into Akavir; also The Elder Scrolls series aren't designed around a few prophecies, play the last Thieves Guild quest in OB; look how many Elder Scrolls there are. So Bethesda can make billions of completely different story-lines and just say "The Elder Scrolls foretold..." ;) Edit: So as long as they get the ideas we will get a TES game.lol
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