Can't really say until I've played it, but I'm hoping it'll feel more like Morrowind than Oblivion. I don't know if I'll like it MORE than Morrowind though, I loved that game to bits.
How on Earth should I know that? My favorite Elder Scrolls game to date is Morrowind, and Skyrim would have to be a hell of a lot better in order to change that.
I can only answer by saying my next game will be my favorite, why?, because it's something new, I still enjoy Oblivion, but it will get shelved the moment I start playing Skyrim.
I voted Oblivion because I will always hold the Shivering Isles DLC dear to my heart. ^_^
Skyrim may or may not outdo Oblivion for me over all, but Shivering Isles is now and will most likely always be my favorite. Can't help it...the madness got to me.
Hey... to all u guys making remarks as to the pointless nature of this thread.
I know... i wrote that in the opening
I started this Poll simply because i was interested in the results... interested about the reception of this game because of all the complaining going on around here... it would be nice to not see anymore sarcastic comments although i fully expect more