Will someone please explain the purpose and effects of the q

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:30 am

I don't understand the purpose of the wild card: side bets quest. It's got me so confused and annoyed that I’ve ignored playing fallout for a week. Anyway I understand that I should meet all of the factions but what happens if i tell yes man to ignore them? All of a sudden I’m faced with so many choices and side taking that I don't know what to do. There are so many faction choices to make that I really don't know what is significant about them. Will someone please explain the story of fallout new Vegas up until yes man. Also will someone tell me all about my choices with yes man? And tell me what wild card side bets is for. I'm so lost in the story that I really don't feel like playing. And it svcks because I was so excited for this game. I pre-ordered 3 months in advanced and went to the midnight release at GameStop.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:48 am

Spoilers are contained in this post so, hey, you've been warned!


The Wildcard questline is for one of the four available faction endings. In the game you have the choice of aiding NCR, the Legion, Mr. House, or saying "F*** 'em, I'm taking over!". Wildcard is that last one. Side bets determines which minor factions you want populating the region after you remove the three big ones, NCR, Legion, and House. If you meet a faction but don't complete the quests regarding them then you can tell Yes Man to ignore them. If you befriend them then you can inform Yes Man of that development, same thing goes if you have them ally with the NCR or Legion, though you may ultimately have to end up fighting some of their representatives at the end if they allied with NCR or Legion and you turn on those factions.

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:36 am

It's to help ensure the future of New Vegas. That much should be obvious. Support for the battle, denying support to your enemies during the battle, and for future plans in the beyond. Threats to what you're building.

Like the Omertas, who are secretly planning a coup against House (and presumably you). Or the Brotherhood of Steel who are likely to come out of their bunker in the future and start attacking. Finding these side groups, figuring out what they're up to, and how or if the threat they pose should be handled.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:43 pm

This confused me as well but here is what I figured out though I will say this is 100% accurate. There are 3 main factions you deal with and those are Legion, NCR, and Mr House/ Yes Man. Each one wants you to join them and each gives you side quests to recruit or destroy the lesser factions like Khans, Boomers, BoS. Doing these quests will hurt your rep with the others (actually Yes Man never threatened me like the other 2 did so not sure about that angle). However each side has you deal with the same lesser factions so each quest is pretty much the same.

The short of it is you have reached the point in the game where you start to decide who you will aid in the final battle and who will be aiding you or fighting against. Now I ended up siding with NCR so I am not sure how the final battle will unfold for the other factions. Also once you get to a certain point, I think when your rep drops to vilian status, all of the quests for the other 2 factions will fail and your quest log will clear up a ton. Except for Yes Man I think his quest line was still active up till the end for me.
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