Well, if I had to name just one I'd say the UI is an utter abomination.
For PC gamers, its not ideal, but mods will allow you a choice. Time and Money spent on multiple interfaces is time and money taken away from content etc. Its not terrible on a console,
Whilst, yes it is my personal opinion, having to google to find out that my character has a disease is an epic UI fail. Active effects are not touched in the 'manual' (I use the term loosely), the notification area is not mentioned either.
Ah, I see what you mean. Hardly a huge fail thou... not close to epic. Actually, the game handles it really well I thought. I noticed I was having a slightly tougher time in combat. It wasn't until I went into town and somebody said.. "you don't look so well", I took 10 seconds to find active effects.. because it made sense, and having played previous games I naturally gravitated to it. Never even realised it was a problem until you mentioned it thou.
Whats your suggestion?
Shared keys to do radically different actions is also beyond stupid.
In fairness, and I say this as a PC gamer, the game was designed for the console market, but they provide PC users with an incredible tool to individually personalise their own game. I'd be surprised if this is a commonly abhorred problem in this case.
Little things that, yes can be set aside and the game still enjoyed, I'd rather longer term enjoy the game as opposed to enjoy the game in spite of the utterly stupid, crappy interface.
Interface is crappy for mouse and keyboard. No question. Knowing it will be fixable in the future, does it really warrant the hate?
Its certainly very lazy of them, I agree, but indications are is that the final product was a little rushed out. But.. isn't there already menu fixes out there?