Will the Crysis Remake be on PC?

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:16 pm

Pretty self explanatory title. I'd like to see the Crysis Remake on PC with the same graphics fidelity of Crysis 1 plus the graphical enhancements of the remake (new TODs, better lighting) and its optimizations (new AI, new motion blur, vegetation is less geometry-heavy...).

I don't think it'd take too much time, all things considered.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:03 am

I don't see the point, when Crysis is 4 years old!
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:46 pm

The point is the game runs on CryEngine 3, which has several performance optimizations by itself (lighting system, etc) and it features NanoSuit 2 controls however much some people might dislike them. I very much enjoy the Armor and Cloak modes of the N2.

However, and to be quite honest, my system which rocks an AMD Phenom II x6 1090t overclocked to 4.1GHz (2.6GHz cpu-nb), 8GB of Kingston HyperX Genesis 1600MHz DDR3 RAM and an AMD Asus EAH 6970 DirectCUII struggles to play this game at a constant 45+ FPS on all Very High, DX10.

In fact, even with the following settings:
no AA (EdgeAA = 2)
Vsync ON

Textures HIGH
Objects HIGH
Shadows MEDIUM
Physics MEDIUM
Shaders HIGH (q_renderer=3, r_colorgrading=1, r_usePOM=0)
Volumetric MEDIUM
Effects LOW
Particles MEDIUM
Postprocessing MEDIUM (r_sunshafts=1)
Motion Blur VERY HIGH

My game plummets into the extremely low 30's in some intense areas like the very, very start of Relic (map rescue) with all the little trees. And it was much worse when I had a GTX295 Co-Op.

As much as Crysis was an incredibly optimized game 4 years ago, the level of optimization achieved when comparing it to the current remake is laughable. Crytek UK have done an astonishing work on this one, which I applaud, and I would love to be able to experience their work on my PC.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:54 pm

As a side note, I will add that framerrate on any console game is much more stable (and somehow feels smoother than PC 30fps), our advantage being that usually any mid-end card can manage a constant 50+ fps on pretty much any modern game.

On a game like this that will fluctuate between high 50's to low 30's in specific areas even on pretty high-end systems, a stable 30fps framerrate isn't a bad thing at all.

Add to that, console 720p somehow looks slightly better than PC 720p (even if PC 900p or 1080p will break a console's back). Looking at the screenshots, this remaster is no small technical feat. I would like to experience it on my Glorious PC Master Race equipment.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:16 am

@ Rukumouru
Than your TV is better than your PC Monitor and you probably should buy a new one.
Because it depends on how much Hertz your Displays can offer. But 30 FPS are always 30 FPS and dont feel smother on consoles in general.

720 P on consoles look better:
And again... it depends on the Monitor you are using. And how far you sit away from it.
I can tell you the exact opposite (as i sit near my widescreen TV) the X360 and PS3s 720P are mostly upscaled and deliver a horrid picture compared to what modern grfxcards can do (connected with hdmi to the TV).

All in all:
If you want Crysis to look better as it is @ very high then use the TOD and Texturemods form Mster and Rygel for example.
With the mods activated even Crysis 2 barely stands a chance to the overall look of the game.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:05 am

@ bigboulder
My XBox360 and PS3 are both hooked up to my PC monitor via HDMI (whereas I use DVI for the PC). It's a 24 inches ASUS LED 1920x1080p monitor. Console 720p still looks better to me than PC 720p, and console 30fps feel smother to me than PC 30fps.

Now, for the "smoother feeling", it's probably due to the limited turning speed of a controller: You can't exactly do 180's blindingly fast as us pro PC gamers do on our mice...

I must say, however, I haven't found an explanation for console 720p to look better than PC 720p.

As far as Crysis mods go, I am using Rygel's texture mod, Silent91's High resolution foliage and the POM Anisotropic Filtering fix.

I am trying to find a good TOD mod, but CUDAATS/CCC and Real Lifesis/RELI2 look waaaaay too god darn bright, whereas Natural Mod just looks worse overall than the vanilla TODs. Any recommendations?

-This does not fix the piss-poor performance of Crysis' very high settings on modern SingleGPUs
-This does not offer me the possibility to use NanoSuit 2-like gameplay on Crysis 1
-This does not mean I can enjoy the updated CryEngine 3 lighting
-This does not mean I can enjoy the less-geometry-heavy vegetation
-Does not mean, yet again, that I can enjoy the more optimized Object Motion Blur
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:25 pm

Take this config:

I can only recommend it ;)
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:51 am

@ DMH good choice.... its very sad i heard that mster was so pissed about Crysis 2, he left the modding community for Crytek games.

The 720P on consoles are pushed through an consoleinternal upscaler. I think the reults are shissy as hell... but as you seem to like the result.. it could be a matter of taste.. cause i dont like blurry pictures at all.

As for a Crysis 1 total conversion MOD. I have talked about it in the Crymod Community cause i thought also it would be a good idea,,,
( I have made some experiences with the UDK and the Cryengine 2 editor).

Thats what i think is the the main point and reason NOT doing this:
1. It's very difficult, there is much much work to do

As grim said.

2. It's worthless

If we make Farcry in CE3, it has worth to make it. But Crysis is almost worthless.
We have Crysis1 PC version. We can improve game, graphics freely.
CE3 version Crysis1 doesn't make better result. It will be almost same, or worse.
If we have such skill or time, we should make original mod or game. Waste of time.

3. Copyright problem

We are allowed to use Crysis1 assets for Crysis2 mod.
But we aren't allowed to make copy game of Crysis1.

its a bit unfair that consoleplayers get a CE3 version of the original and the pc players dont.

I don't think so. Because PC version has much much better graphics.
If console version has missing missions after original ending, I can say it's unfair!
But I don't think so. Game is same basically, so PC version is much better.
Even if Crytek release PC version officially, it's only collecter's item.
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John N
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:32 am

imo it'd be pointless to remake Crysis.

It's years old and unless it carried some substantial extra content I couldn't see it selling well enough to justify the time spent making it available.

I'd sooner they just ditch Crysis 2 and make Crysis 3 the successor Crysis 2 should have been. If nothing else it could be a gap bridger between C1 and C2, elaborating on the actions of Psycho and Nomad. After all, the remastered crysis is just going to create an even larger hroup of customers who are unhappy with the story direction taken with Crysis 2.
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