» Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:52 pm
One of the bigger issues I see a lot of people have is suddenly being surrounded by people coming from every way of life imaginable. Real people, that aren't just another NPC that you can stab in the back of the face if you don't like them, but in fact people that actually exist in real life.
Sure, we all know of the stereotypical cheeto dust encrusted basemant dwelling neckbeard so pale from lack of sunlight that they could blind the unprepared. You might think there aren't really people like that right? But there are, and you'll eventually meet him! But you're also going to meet nerds, geeks, religious fanatics, emos, jocks, sports buffs, models, fitness enthusiasts, nice people, mean people, kids under 10, elderly into their 60s and 70s, trolls, casuals, hardcoes, etc. You are going to meet them all eventually. You're going to be subjected to an astounding amount of WTFery.
The best advice I can give to anyone new to MMOs though is this: Don't give up just because you came across the wrong people before the right ones. The right ones are out there, and you will meet them if you stick with it.