» Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:31 pm
It really depends on how Bethesda decides to design it, I would say, Cyrodiil too could have made for a much darker game, if Bethesda had chosen that route, I mean, the plot is about an invasion by otherworldly monsters and impending doom, that could have been pretty dark stuff, but Bethesda in the end chose to portray Cyrodiil as primarily a bright and happy place, and portals to a hellish other world didn't really balance that out enough to really give a very dark and forboding experience (Though the fact that for all the fire and brimstone and gory scenery, the plains of Oblivion still seemed fairly tame might have contributed to that.) Skyrim I could also see making for a fairly dark game, or something a little more cheerful, it depends on whether Bethesda decides to go for a hostile environment and chaotic lands feel or more of a majestic snowy place sort of feel, really.
Whatever happens, I just hope Bethesda doesn't go the route of a lot of other recent games and assume that simply because they're going for a dark or realistic tone means the game can't have colors, we already have enough games where the colors consist of various shades of gray and brown with the ocassional red splashed on for blood, although Skyrim would probably be more white if Bethesda decided to go that route, it would still get dull pretty quickly.