On one hand, you have your functionalists. Their motto is "Form follows function." In other words, you design a building to meet it's functions and the form is derived from that. One of my professor's colleagues even went so far as to say that if you gave everyone the same function, then their designs should all look identical. One ideal form to meet the functional needs of the building. Buildings designed this way tend to work very well. The fulfill the needs of their occupants as best as reasonably possible. The downside is that they tend to look rather boring.
Then you have your designers that focus on form. Often what they do is they design a form that looks interesting, then cram the function into as best as they can. The result of this approach is, predictably, a building that looks quite remarkable, but doesn't really work very well, for any number or reasons.
I did a case study on the Yale Art and Architecture building on quarter and it was very interesting. As I found reviews of the building, it was pretty clear what camp the reviewers came from. One group said that the building was beautiful and iconic. The other said it didn't work. Funny thing was, they were both right.
So if you're going to design just for function, you might as well get an engineer to do it. If you're going to design for form, you might as well just get into sculpture. What a truly great building needs is both. It needs to work well and look good.
And that's the way I, personally, feel about games. They need both graphics and gameplay to truly be great.
What annoys me, though, is that the "funtionalists" on this forum are very vocal and feel some sort of compulsion to come into discussions on form and press their views. They do it so much and so strongly, as if trying to derail the discussion, that any real talk of form becomes nearly impossible.