I didn't mind the red blips in FO3, because it sort of fitted in the the sort of futuro-pipboy thing. And often you saw the enemy before the blip came on.
Whereas I, with an iffy graphics card and view distances set down low, saw the red blips (with Per 5-6) before I could see them on my screen. Without the red marks, I'd never have been able to play a sniper-type character.
Of course, it made perfect sense in FO3 - it's an RPG not a sim, so the character can have capabilities I don't have. Like being a good shot. Or being a great hacker. Or having better spacial awareness. So, no.... no "immersion" problems. (Honestly, I hate that word. It's like one of those obnoxious business buzzwords that's used to cover up real discussion.....)
finally, i turn music off in all my RPGs for "immersion" purposes too.
Wow, that's sad. The Oblivion soundtrack (just to pull one example) is spectacularly epic. It adds drama to anything I'm doing, just having it playing in the background (even playing artillery or doing a crossword

Next I'll expect people to say they extract the soundtrack from movies, so that they won't be distracted from the dialogue.....

Edit: note, none of this is advocating adding the red marks to Skyrim. Just laying out my thoughts why it isn't a problem in Fallout. (Skyrim not having a "perception" stat or ability that we know of, there's no reason to include a function based off of it...)