Well, consider this, how much artwork have you seen of Khajiits and Argonians and Orcs? Obviously they'll all be in-game, we just haven't seen what they look like yet. Relax, buddy. They can't show us everything.
I certainly hope you are right. If anything I would love to see more types, but at least all the ones we have seen before should be present, even if only as summons (for PC spells and NPC spells) and lurking around Daedric Shrines and Conjourers densI was wondering and slightly worrying about this as well. . . but then, I have seen nothing of the things you mentioned, nor of bears, liches, any type vampire etc., yet I assume these things shall be in as well. They may not have shown Daedra because they are possibly both more rare in the game and because they want to highlight the new things in Skyrim, not recall to mind all the features and dominant themes of Oblivion. Yet, considering how much of a presence they are and always have been in Elder Scrolls, it would be odd and dissapointing indeed if they were left completely out.

I have wondered, and seek answer. . . since the Septim Line is gone. . . even with the deeds of Akatosh, are Nirn/Mundus more or less accessible to Daedra in general? Some lore master, help me out with this.