There is no feature like that like in Chromehounds or other games. It was a dirty bomb they found not an alien artifact, or it could be a vaccine, or a rusty pistol and some leaflets.
Resistance and Security have campaigns then free mode. They aren't fighting some overarching war online for the Ark, however now that I think about it would have been cool.
It was tracked in MAG. Never really did anything though.... all it did was reinforce people's arguments that various faction's maps were overpowered. Since you couldn't switch from one faction to the other until you hit max rank, it was the same group of people playing all 3 modes... but certain factions with good defensive maps would DOMINATE some modes with others with terrible defensive maps would get crushed. SVER had the best domination map while raven had the worst, but raven had the best aquisition map, and valor had the best sabotage map. The game got WAY more balanced once the faction maps rotated.
Honestly I don't think this game needs it since we can switch back and forth, and most people will. When SVER's win % went way up in MAG, over 20% of the entire non SVER population went to their side... which meant HORRENDUS wait times on their side at certain times during the day.