Hey guys I got a question regarding FaIlout 4 Pimp-boy edition, I was wondering if someone could update me on the pimp-boy edition is Bethesda going to make anymore pimp-boy's for the game?
Hey guys I got a question regarding FaIlout 4 Pimp-boy edition, I was wondering if someone could update me on the pimp-boy edition is Bethesda going to make anymore pimp-boy's for the game?
nope, you'll have to bedazzle your pipboy yourself.
Well they have confirmed no more Pip Boys
Not sure about Pimp Boys though. Is that a new way for me to watch my advlt art?
I knew it, it's still pretty much an adolescent, immature joke.
Build your own Pip-Boy?
I've seen handmade semi-operational ones (power bank + slot for mobile).
I've seen one with an actual working radiation meter.
You know, Steampunkers and Cosplayers are the kind of people who may find a solution to your problem.
How would I do it:
Get a cheap mobile (smartphone), rip it apart, place it's hardware inside a Pip-boy frame, et voila -> Pip-Boy.
But well...there was a time when I learned the formidable job of an micro/electrician, therefore I would build my own.
And as I sidenote: As far as I know, the Beth Pip-Boy isn't made for an Galaxy S2. Therefore I would need to build my own, no matter what.
Oh, I didn't actually say the OP was, I said joke was. I think it was in it's original creation by Obsidian.
Can you imagine if Bethesda sold a few of these? Like those insanely priced iphone watches?
Pretty much bend over and get taken up the butt if you want one because apparently Bethesda doesnt freaking know how to make money and decided to let scalpers make ten times what Bethesda was making on each unit by limiting them. Their excuse was... "we can't guarentee quality beyond a certain amount". Bull [censored] if I have ever heard it before. If you make money and if there is a market you can get quality product made. I think most of the people that want the pipboy would be willing to even pay 80-100 $ just for the freaking item without the game. It's [censored], and its a [censored] descision, and [censored] them.
You mad, bro?
I got mine pre-ordered and can't wait to get it however they (Bethesda) better not pull a Batman Arkham Knight Batmobile Edition and pull it last minute.
I cannot imagine how pissed those people were. I mean, you get hosed on the Batmobile Edition and you can't be downgraded to the Batman Statue version because those have all been spoken for.
Don't know any pimp boys.
But yeah that would be nice, because i didn't get the "pre order" edition.
Am hoping, can someone please provide a link to the source of this 'Bethesda Official Confirmation' that no more Pip-Boy Editions will be manufactured/be made available?
While I've successfully procured through preorder a copy for myself, I have a few Friends who, unfortunately for them, have not. If they can see definitively for themselves that no more copies are coming, they can at least decide whether-or-not to pursue acquiring a copy elsewhere (Ebay or wherever).
Thanks in advance=)
Pete has said on Twitter a couple of times that no more pip boy editions will be made. Glad I got my pre-order in when I got the chance!
They don't exactly have their own factory, they contract the pipboys out....which costs time and money to manufacture. People need to get it through their heads that just because you want something, doesn't mean you'll magically get it.
They offered a Pip-boy edition that is sold out, but you will find some expensive ones on ebay I'll bet. If your looking for a Pimp-boy one billion you will have to bling out your CE Pip-boy. How long before someone does this with their Pip-boy?
Someone will definetly spray paint their collectors pip boy. Or at least add sparkly stones to it. Most likely the Cosplayers lurking in these forums. Not me. I avoid LARP kinda stuff like the plague.
Whoa, easy there guy. It was announced as a limited edition and listed as a limited edition on the sites that were selling it. I got mine off the GameStop website about a week (maybe even 2) after it was announced so there was plenty of time to reserve one. Dont -blank- Bethesda, it wouldn't be limited edition if they made enough for everyone, ya dig?
That and I have seen a few kinds on Etsy. Also, I am sure there will be people out there who will start creating the new version of the Pip-Boy soon.
BTW, how do these models work with smartphones? Is there some sort of application that people download on their phone to use it on the screen?