Will there be female giants?

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:46 pm

Goblin shaman were clearly female? What makes you say that? I certainly never noticed it.
They have boobs and a bra, and all other gobbos don't. Also, it is mentioned by some NPCs that the shaman are female.

Besides, commeting on the female clothing mods on the Nexus is not relevant to this discussion at all, those mods are there because they're in demand, if you think they svck then I welcome you to make and upload your own.
Demand? Then there's a lot of tension TES players have, as looking for clothing and armor mods that are not skimpy outfits ends up becoming too much of a headache. It's one thing if they're popular, it's another when practically every page of armor and clothing is completely saturated with very skimpy outfits

They had boobs. And skirts.

Also, I love how people assume female giants (when the males are pretty hideous) automatically means "six appeal". I mean, whatever floats your boat, but really? I don't think "sixy" is in a giant's vocabulary.
If there's one thing that The Witcher did that not many other games will even think about, it is having ugly and/or grotesque naked female monsters, like the Devourer (think a very dark grey and obese wicked witch of the west. It's not a pretty sight), vampire ladies looked monstrous and were covered in blood, and the Strega
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:42 pm

If there's one thing that The Witcher did that not many other games will even think about, it is having ugly and/or grotesque naked female monsters, like the Devourer (think a very dark grey and obese wicked witch of the west. It's not a pretty sight), vampire ladies looked monstrous and were covered in blood, and the Strega

I've never actually played The Witcher, but the more I hear about it, the more I want to pick it up. :)

Also, don't forget the Broodmothers in Dragon Age. Total babes.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:18 am

Never played DA:O, but I guess I have to see.

EDIT: Eww, looks almost like an even more ugly version of the final sister of fate from God of War 2.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:53 pm

Why do you have to have female giants? So you can go underneathe them and then have a "peek" above? What is it with everyone wanting to have some "six" in video games lately?

Way to go, making assumptions. ;)

I'd like to see female variants of the monsters simply for more variety and diversification. Just like I'd love to see Khajiit/Argonian/Orc and Elven zombies/skeletons,
It's also always nice if the female variant is known to be more aggressive than the male counterpart like some of our animals. Something that makes you think "Oh crap, it's a female. I'm in trouble now...time to come up with new strategies."

And for the simple fact that for most males of a species there's a female. In humanoid-like creatures, it should be noticeable.

If there's one thing that The Witcher did that not many other games will even think about, it is having ugly and/or grotesque naked female monsters, like the Devourer (think a very dark grey and obese wicked witch of the west. It's not a pretty sight), vampire ladies looked monstrous and were covered in blood, and the Strega

You can't go wrong with Left 4 Dead 2's http://img694.imageshack.us/i/femboomer.jpg/. :D
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:25 pm

They have boobs and a bra, and all other gobbos don't. Also, it is mentioned by some NPCs that the shaman are female.

I really missed this, by miles in game.
Demand? Then there's a lot of tension TES players have, as looking for clothing and armor mods that are not skimpy outfits ends up becoming too much of a headache. It's one thing if they're popular, it's another when practically every page of armor and clothing is completely saturated with very skimpy outfits

True, I like boobs a lot, however I have a thing when playing if I switched gender I'd be as I am as a man.
I.E Strip and skinny dip if no ones around, show off a bit with friends, but dress in a conservative fashion.
So the sheer amount of nipble slip outfit mods tends to become a joke, when you look for practical outfits.
If there's one thing that The Witcher did that not many other games will even think about, it is having ugly and/or grotesque naked female monsters, like the Devourer (think a very dark grey and obese wicked witch of the west. It's not a pretty sight), vampire ladies looked monstrous and were covered in blood, and the Strega

Yes the witcher did many things that few did.
However Planescape: Torment. you had Ravel, The Lady, female zombies, Tieflings with mutated limbs. Icewind dale Maralith's.
True not all are fully naked, but six and nudity are both implied and overtly pushed in most.
Then the whole six and nudity thing in games really only hit more main stream with the witcher then full stream but less nudity with DA: O.
Funnily though the whole sheep jokey bit in DA:O was actually in Arcanum from some years back.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:14 pm

You can't be serious. Tell me you're joking, please.

Yes I was joking. :)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:17 pm

Well, Madocmayhem, problem is with Planescape is that it's isometric view, so it's kind of difficult to pull off how ugly they really are and the consequence of wanting nudity. Also, The Witcher was the most recent game I played that made nudity a double-edged sword.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:54 am

I would like to see giantesses. Most legends clearly state that giants are pretty humanoid, and it would be weird for them to be male only. And a lot of stories actually deal with female giants as often as the males, for instance Loki's wife was a giantess.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:43 pm

Well, if Daggerfall indicated anything, these giants are going to be like over-sized cavemen, or like http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/1992/965943-race_ogre_super.jpg
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:44 pm

Yeah, I never really liked how most monsters were male. Just put a bra or something on the female ones.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:14 pm

I don't think there will be female giants, and I don't care either. If you think of a giant, you think of a male giant. I'd actually rather have 2 types of male models for giants than a male and a female one.

Actually, when I think of Giants, the very first Giant that enters my mind is the one from R.A. Salvatores 2nd to last novel series. Can't remember her name for some odd reason, but King Obould of the orcs enlisted her help to try to subdue the dwarven Kingdom and the lands surrounding it, mostly by allowing her the idea that she would be the one in charge at the end of it. She was quite fierce and had a very dominating personality.

Hell, the only other Giant that stands out in my mind is the one from Jack n the Beanstalk, lol.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:53 am

Actually, when I think of Giants, the very first Giant that enters my mind is the one from R.A. Salvatores 2nd to last novel series. Can't remember her name for some odd reason, but King Obould of the orcs enlisted her help to try to subdue the dwarven Kingdom and the lands surrounding it, mostly by allowing her the idea that she would be the one in charge at the end of it. She was quite fierce and had a very dominating personality.

I remember that and that was one giant that also came to my mind, but I never finished reading that and took a break from fantasy novels. I might come back to reading it again now.

Hell, the only other Giant that stands out in my mind is the one from Jack n the Beanstalk, lol.

Maybe this is one reason giants are thought of as male creatures :shrug: Still, doesn't matter much to me, either way.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:40 pm

If they used nordic lore as inspiration its possible, female gaints were mentioned often.

That is what I am thinking and I am hoping to see a lot of norse influence in Skyrim.

I would like to see giantesses. Most legends clearly state that giants are pretty humanoid, and it would be weird for them to be male only. And a lot of stories actually deal with female giants as often as the males, for instance Loki's wife was a giantess.

Yeah a lot of the Norse gods took giants as wives, Thor's mother and one of Odin's wives was a giant as well, however it was a huge double standard as any giant that wanted to take a goddess as a wife got a smack to the chops with Thor's hammer.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:33 pm

Besides, Amazon-like giant women roaming the countryside, pillaging villages and capturing men for snu-snu (if you know what I mean ;)), it'd just be awesome.

:lmao: Indeed. Probably not the feel Bethesda is going for, though. :P

'Sides, topless mods for mega boobs means equally supersized hissy fit, I suppose. Although it'd be funny too. Maybe Skyrim needs a mega-mature rating system ?

Oh, the escalation.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:50 pm

No, their feet would be too big for them to be close enough to the kitchen sink.

Sorry, but I had to make one sixist joke.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:52 pm

I stand with the crowd that would prefer to see female creatures and monsters when it ought be applicable.

In the case of Giants, though... to be honest... I'd rather they not be creatures at all. Make 'em enormous NPC's with a unique race! (Hell, who knows if the current engine even really makes a differentiation anymore?) Then I could -play- a giant, with the proper modding. I'd dig being huge... wielding a club... desperately needing a bath.

That'd be awesome!

But oh well...

... I'd settle just for female giants.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:15 pm

I′d just like to ask... what′s so wrong with having stereotypical video game wenches with bodily proportions of legends if we have stereotypical godly hunks of men with huge beards and muscles who look like they hit the gym for 12 hours each day ?

:D Now I don′t mind there being male stereotypes of such manner, even though I will shamefully admit I do not fit the image, so why not a few stereotypical ladies too :P ?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:40 pm

Is there any indication that the giants are, without a doubt, just going to be enemies? Everyone seems 100% certain that giants are enemies, so I'm not sure if I missed that info somewhere or not.

They're obviously intelligent and have ways of communicating. They're the ones responsible for the Dwemer being called Dwarves.

Sure, they were enemies in past games, but so were Orcs.

Actually giants are confirmed to not be hostile. It was confirmed in one of the foreign mags, but the article in the Skyrim issue of GI hinted at it. The word box on the screenshot of the giant says: "Enemies now have unique behavioral patterns. Not every monster you meet in the wilderness will immediately jump to the attack."

I would be interested in seeing female giants. Though I mostly just hope that every giant doesn't look exactly the same.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:05 pm

I don't think it's a worthwhile investment to make female/male versions of monsters supposing there are not significant differences between the genders, so that they actually behave like an entirely different enemy as well. The Queen Ants in Fallout 3 were quite different from the normal ants, making them worthwhile, and I can see how having Queen Spiders or Pack Leaders of various mammals portrayed larger male versions that are ferocious and larger than their kin. Otherwise it's just a lot of work for visual fluff that could have offered a few entirely different enemy types instead. I'd frankly rather have... say a Beholder and Harpy foe (Randomly picked) than having female versions of Ogres and Zombies (also randomly picked.)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:29 pm

sixuality is difficult to implement into video games, especially when it involves woman. It is still very taboo to talk about directly within family units. Many families are not open about it and have little discussion of it. It may seem strange but that is a deciding factor in how sixuality would be approached in games like Elder Scrolls.

How can you really make an undead woman? Would there be nudity? Would it be seen as distasteful? The answers will vary greatly depending on where you grew up and your environment.

The same thing goes with the male-female relationship of monsters and animals. Making "female" and "male" parts realistically visible isn't really something a video game will implement unless they consciously want to cross a line defined by the uncomfortableness of playing a game like that in the family unit.

How many people here wouldn't feel uncomfortable watching a movie with a six scene with their parents? Or how about a nudity scene intended to excite? It is hard to bring up even on these forums as a discussion that wouldn't immediately digress into undignified prattling.

Making realistic animals and monsters might require just what I mentioned, a decisive approach to allowing nudity and honestly it isn't a line easily crossed especially by a game that is intended for a large audience (despite the M rating).

This discussion could easily get derailed, so I will leave my input at that. I think that having female giants would be a good addition, but the reason why you don't see a lot of that sort of thing outside of humanoid races and in controlled environments (civilized commune and city like peoples) is because it brings up many taboo situations that are difficult to handle in a dignified way.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:50 pm

To me it doesn't really matter. There is no male or female deer, no male and female wolf. Just corpses, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF ANIMAL CORPSES!

On a side note I would love to see a book about how over the last 200 years mudcrabs went extinct so half the people on these boards burst into tears :P
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:07 am

I dont think so,why bother creating female giant model?Will be there female mammoths ( :rofl: ) or maybe undead women? I guess not.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:19 am

If there are female giants, i want to be able to crawl inside their lady parts when the Skyrim weather gets too frigid. Kinda like luke skywalker on hoth.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:04 pm

I dont think so,why bother creating female giant model?Will be there female mammoths ( :rofl: ) or maybe undead women? I guess not.

Female mammoths isn't that hard to accomplish, just remove tusk. It's not like animals had genitalia. How did we know if the horses, wolves, and trolls weren't female? I'm not an expert on the human skeletal system, but couldn't the undead skeletons be women too?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:02 pm

sixuality is difficult to implement into video games, especially when it involves woman. It is still very taboo to talk about directly within family units. Many families are not open about it and have little discussion of it. It may seem strange but that is a deciding factor in how sixuality would be approached in games like Elder Scrolls.

How can you really make an undead woman? Would there be nudity? Would it be seen as distasteful? The answers will vary greatly depending on where you grew up and your environment.

The same thing goes with the male-female relationship of monsters and animals. Making "female" and "male" parts realistically visible isn't really something a video game will implement unless they consciously want to cross a line defined by the uncomfortableness of playing a game like that in the family unit.

How many people here wouldn't feel uncomfortable watching a movie with a six scene with their parents? Or how about a nudity scene intended to excite? It is hard to bring up even on these forums as a discussion that wouldn't immediately digress into undignified prattling.

Making realistic animals and monsters might require just what I mentioned, a decisive approach to allowing nudity and honestly it isn't a line easily crossed especially by a game that is intended for a large audience (despite the M rating).

This discussion could easily get derailed, so I will leave my input at that. I think that having female giants would be a good addition, but the reason why you don't see a lot of that sort of thing outside of humanoid races and in controlled environments (civilized commune and city like peoples) is because it brings up many taboo situations that are difficult to handle in a dignified way.

Except, it's already been done. Female goblins, for example. When a creature in the game has a clearly-defined culture like they do (and it appears giants do too), it makes sense to add some diversity to their ranks.

Morrowind had multiple tiers of kwama- larva, workers, soldiers and queens, all different- and Oblivion did the same for goblins. There's dozens of different armour combinations for them, as well as two distinct body types to reflect the two genders.

Why wouldn't Beth consider such a thing for giants in Skyrim?

Also, like I said, "female" doesn't automatically mean "six appeal". Why all the talk of nudity? Have you seen the male giant screenshot? Do you really want to see one naked!?
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