Fishing in Skyrim would be pretty cool, heck if we can do cooking and smithing and the like, why not? :celebration:
Unless I am behind and it WAS confirmed :spotted owl:
Exactly because I mean if I can't sit on that dock when you first come out of the sewers in oblivion...and's time to get modding...(the dock was an example lol)
seeing as there was some kind of salmon (cant remember if it was cooked or not) in the demo i would guess so, unless they make it so you canonly buy it like apples and oranges in oblivion. I hope it is in the game.
seeing as there was some kind of salmon (cant remember if it was cooked or not) in the demo i would guess so, unless they make it so you canonly buy it like apples and oranges in oblivion. I hope it is in the game.
I don't remember if it was cooked or not but Todd did say you could cook it to improve it so there is raw salmon as well.
haha this is something I have posted on a few times and from what I've seen it looks like a good probability. Tom has stated that NPC's will fish as one of their jobs and we know that the player can join in on NPC jobs so it is promising in my books. If it is possible I will for sure be creating a super fishing mod with an alchemy type bait crafting interface and a whole slew of new fishes (and other things that may be pulled from the deep). SOS bottles anyone? (UO reference)
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it will be included, though I don't recall it being confirmed. Having raw and cooked varieties of fish though seems to imply it to me. Could be wrong though.