From crysis 1 to 2, there was a huge gap that still needs to be filled. At the end of Crysis 1 *spoiler alert*, Nomad Psycho and Heleno Rosenthal are leaving the sunken carrier to go back to Lingshan to rescue prophet and the games ends right there leaving a cliffhanger. But, in the beginning of Crysis 2, Prophet magically appears out of nowhere and u dont even know what happened to raptor team or Helena. Why did the aliens come from icy blue monsters to squishy red squids that can fight in warm enviornments and started a disease? I mean the aliens in the first one formed an ice sphere that consumed that island in minutes but this disease takes 3 years to affect a major city??? WTF?! Where is the logic in that? This is just one of my rants on crysis 2 and maybe 3 idk. Crytek has one more chance to fill in this gap, and u better crytek, u already screwed up the multiplayer by turning it into COD, now don't completely break the story. I hope u crysis 2 fans look at this and look more into it and even play the first one on PC not consoles because its much different and theres no multiplayer. I hope i dont get lots of hate.