Since when did Enemies sneak although that could happen in Skyrim.
I don't know that they sneaked, but that doesn't mean they never came up behind you undetected as you walked down a path minding your own business. If you don't detect them, you should suffer the consequences (I'd like that anyway) without having battle music warning you beforehand.
I'm not bothered that its still there as the first thing I do is turn of the ingame music.
Makes for a much more atmospheric game in my view, as I dont have a 100 piece band following me through the dark damp caves lol
I get that too and I've thought about it myself, but I think having battle music cue up correctly is a happy middle ground for people who want to be immersed and have music... and music that doesn't ruin the surprise attacks of enemies at that, which is far more jarring for immersion than music by itself, for me anyway.