Dedicated servers are a definite yes for PC. The front page of the game's official site confirms this. :confused: As for Crysis 2, I still cannot believe how prejudiced people are toward that game. It's a fantastic single-player experience and a pretty decent multiplayer experience. The MyCrysis forums are full of people who are intent on bashing CryTek for any move they make, and it's actually pretty disgusting to see how determined they are to hate.The hordes of people saying such hyperbolic absurdities like "Crysis 2 is the worst game ever" for whatever reason lost all their credibility in my eyes.
I know its a bit off topic, but I really didn't think the single player was that amazing at all. The whole fact Alkatraz was just body really miffed me off, didn't get at all connected. And really had to force myself to finish the campaign, not at all compelled.
But I can say that the lag really did kill Crysis for me as a 360 player (with normally really quite good connection)
It was never anything cripling... but always enough to really annoy me and just put me off of the game about 10 hours into multiplayer.
So yeah, I can understand the worry the OP has, unfortunately none of us can really say anything about it.... Yet.