I wanted to know will traps and landmines disappear after a duration of time if they are not tripped? I also wanted to know will there be a limited on how many landmines you place or can carry at one time?
I wanted to know will traps and landmines disappear after a duration of time if they are not tripped? I also wanted to know will there be a limited on how many landmines you place or can carry at one time?
That's a very good question. If they don't expire then you can have big mine fields around your settlements to help ward off raiders. Just make sure they aren't in the path of traders.
Does not seem like the best way to have traders keep coming...
They didn't in FONV. I'd often leave some at Legion campsites in the southeastern areas after I killed the sporting goods savages. I would know that a respawn happened at a campsite because I'd hear the mines all pop in the distance. Just toss a single mine on each bedspread and leave.
Yep. Distant explosions in certain areas for me in FONV often meant some more Legion denarii and thus more fodder for the Blackjack table, as detailed above.
Creation Engine is pretty good at keeping track of those things, but I'd imagine if you put down thousands of mines in one area it would start to adversely affect performance.
But it would be essentially the same as dropping a bunch of junk in an area to save on carry weight. Except the junk explodes in this case.
Not too adversely with the vast increases in memory though, we hope!
It does sort of put into perspective just how remarkable a feat it was to get some of the more expansive games from later on in that generation to actually run fairly stable on those systems.