1. I want to build a house using the exterior cell (not an interior) with windows so i can look around in the deep depths of the sea from a safe distance where nothing will attack me, maybe even live there.
2. Will the water give us this option or will it be like in oblivion and morrowind where the water is just at a certain level and anything below that level will be flooded.
Hence my question, i would love to see this in a mod or DLC (kindof like frostcrag spire/deepscorn hollow) i'm also highly hopeful for this seeing all the lakes, rivers, waterfalls and rapids in the trailer or elsewhere, and splash effects in one picture. but this doesn't have to mean all water will be dynamic, and there can stilll be a level which will always be flooded.
In addition to this i was wondering also about currents, waves and other things like those. i wont go as deep as pressure but it would add to realism if you had to use magic to keep the pressure from killing you in deep waters or just dying from the cold after being there for too long with your water breathing active.
i could probably name a few more if i thought harder about it but i can't really be bothered, this is plenty

Dynamic may not be the right word for this but since my english isn't very good and i'm real tired it was the best term i could think of.