Will it be worth to level up?

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:27 am

Doesn't matter if it is worth it: there are no more classes and major skills. Whenever you get a skill increase in ANY skill, you get near leveling up.
With that said, SK uses F3 level scaling so you don't need to fear leveling up.

Leveled Quest Awards will be there because most quests are now randomly generated. Only hand made quests may have unique awards.

To Swarley Swazenoskie. It doesn't matter the specific armor, i jsut know at low levels i didn't see any enemy wearing cool things.

You weren't in places where people in power armors hang around. You can meet a Brotherhood patrol on Level 1.
If you are thinking about Enclave, they don't appear until a certain point in the Main Quest.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:37 pm

That would svck every nut. I want every dungeon to be set before you even begin. If you go to an area where only badass monsters appear, you shouldn't just be able to walk in at level 1 with weak enemies. You deserve to get your ass kicked and aspire to level up and overpower them. :obliviongate:

Every Dungeon and Cave has a level range. Let's say you have two dungeons to choose from. The first dungeon has a range of level one to five, when you enter that dungeon it will randomly decide a level. If you're level one and it randomizes to five it will be pretty tough. The next dungeon could be even higher, level Fifteen to twenty-five, again, once you enter it will decide a level, and that dungeon will keep that level throughout that characters game. It won't get easy until you're in that level range.

That's how I remembered it anyway, and it sounds great.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 pm

Leveled Quest Awards will be there because most quests are now randomly generated. Only hand made quests may have unique awards.

Quests will not be randomly generated. Quests will change depending on choices or playstyle, but no content is random, everything's handmade.
Radiant story just picks together the parts to make a quest that suits you.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:30 pm

You both are mistaken. Raiders DID wear power armor, they maybe never put it on in your game but I can tell with 100% certainty that they did wear power armor in my game and in my wifes game. Two to three days after wiping out an Enclave nest the place would be inhabited by raiders wearing their power armor. Not to mention the fact that you could give power armor to a low level follower (i.e, Cherry from Dukov's place ). This happened on more then a hand full of occasions.

My guess is that you left Enclave bodies on the ground with the power armor still in the inventory. Then some raiders happened to spawn and loot the armor from the bodies.

I'd like a leveled enemies system similar to Fallout: New Vegas. Powerful enemies inhabiting certain areas so you can't go there too early and such. Just as long as it doesn't feel too linear.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:56 pm

My guess is that you left Enclave bodies on the ground with the power armor still in the inventory. Then some raiders happened to spawn and loot the armor from the bodies.

I'd like a leveled enemies system similar to Fallout: New Vegas. Powerful enemies inhabiting certain areas so you can't go there too early and such. Just as long as it doesn't feel too linear.

that is exactly what happened. I and agree with your second statement.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:50 am

Leveled Quest Awards will be there because most quests are now randomly generated. Only hand made quests may have unique awards.

You weren't in places where people in power armors hang around. You can meet a Brotherhood patrol on Level 1.
If you are thinking about Enclave, they don't appear until a certain point in the Main Quest.

Point one, only certain aspects are randomly generated or tweaked - i.e. if you've already visited the cave a quest would have been set in, the AI game master will move it to another similar cave you haven't. Little things like that. The actual quests themselves are hand-made for the majority.

Point two, you're right about being able to meet power armoured NPCs from level 1. I did bump into an Enclave Recruit near Megaton though. It was on the brow of a hill near a water tower and a ruined house, patrolling. I took him out with the Hunting Rifle I found behind the Elementary School, then swagged his helmet for a trophy and his laser rifle for the caps. :P

Quests will not be randomly generated. Quests will change depending on choices or playstyle, but no content is random, everything's handmade.
Radiant story just picks together the parts to make a quest that suits you.

Yeah, that's what I read too.

EDIT: @Deaded - That's exactly what I'd like to see too! For example, instead of Minotaurs randomly cropping up after you hit a certain arbitrary level limit, have them inhabit the deepest forests in herds or whatever. Make it really dangerous to travel in those areas, like around the Deathclaw colonies in the Fallout games.
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Jason White
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:16 am

My guess is that you left Enclave bodies on the ground with the power armor still in the inventory. Then some raiders happened to spawn and loot the armor from the bodies.

I'd like a leveled enemies system similar to Fallout: New Vegas. Powerful enemies inhabiting certain areas so you can't go there too early and such. Just as long as it doesn't feel too linear.

There is one Enclave outpost (on the northern outskirts of the DC ruins), which is overrun by raiders from the start, and the raiders are using Enclave equipment, their armour included.

... without having any "special training", by the way, which is another proof that you're supposed to be playing the village idiot in that game. Even the raiders are smarter than you. :D
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:24 pm

That would svck every nut. I want every dungeon to be set before you even begin. If you go to an area where only badass monsters appear, you shouldn't just be able to walk in at level 1 with weak enemies. You deserve to get your ass kicked and aspire to level up and overpower them. :obliviongate:

Apparently the dungeons have a 5 level window.

By that I mean some dungeons will be 1-5, 5-10, 10-15 etc

If you enter a 20-25 dungeon at level 10, the dungeon will be set at its lowest level; in this case, 20.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:28 am

every elder scrolls game had leveled items and enemies

Morrowind had no enemies or items which leveled with you. Apart from some high level NPC's appearing on the outside world when you get to higher levels, they never leveled with you, bandits never wore glass armour, or use glass weapons. All dungeons\cities\towns etc had pre-defined NPC's. Every item in game was hand placed as well, none of this random worthless item garbage in Oblivion.

I really really hope, a dungeon when you enter at level 1 which looks like it should hold amazing treasures and guarded by daedra lords...is that, instead of being guarded by Mudcrabs and containing leather armour.

Same for thiefing, Oblivion had no items worth stealing. Made being a thief pointless. A heavily guarded castles should contain nice swag for the stealing...

TBH NPCs and items leveling with you is just a plain lazy design.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 pm

To hell with level scaling. I hate leveled loot, leveled enemies, leveled enemy gear... Why not just give everything a static level and have the hardest enemies at a high enough level that they still are a hard challenge when you've hit the soft cap???

i can only dream, but alas, the reality will always be something different :cryvaultboy:
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:16 am

Apparently the dungeons have a 5 level window.

By that I mean some dungeons will be 1-5, 5-10, 10-15 etc

If you enter a 20-25 dungeon at level 10, the dungeon will be set at its lowest level; in this case, 20.

That's kinda neat. So it's set to a range instead of a specific level. I can deal with that. If that's the case with monsters as well as dungeons, dragons should be 30+. This would imply that unlike Oblivion, they appear as a level 30 ever since you begin as a level 1 until you out level them. I wonder...should boss monsters stop leveling up to you at some point or keep going?
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:29 pm

That would svck every nut. I want every dungeon to be set before you even begin. If you go to an area where only badass monsters appear, you shouldn't just be able to walk in at level 1 with weak enemies. You deserve to get your ass kicked and aspire to level up and overpower them. :obliviongate:

then its a good thing there is a level floor and ceiling limit that each area has... say a dungeon has a level floor of 40 and a ceiling of 50.... you enter it at level 1 and it will lock at 40... now youre getting your ass kicked by monsters 39 levels higher than yourself. you need to understand how the leveling system works before you get upset.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:16 pm

Frankly, Another thing that bothers me is leveled items. It was a pain in the dike to finally find a wondrous and rare item at a low level just to find out that it could've been much stronger at later levels. It's because of this I refused to do any quests in Oblivion until lvl 28 or so just so I would get the best of the best. Totally worth it... :shakehead:

Seriously, if you want a strong character in Oblivion, stay at lvl 1, make sure you have plenty of magicka to start with, and make a spell to summon all bound armor/a bound weapon. Nothing can stop you.

Some of us actually like to role play rather than breaking the game. I don't mind leveled items if done correctly, and that is by being random. With the honorable exception of shrine quests giving known artifacts, I don't think anything should be predetermined and preplaced in a known spot in a known dungeon. High powered items (and I consider a lvl 10 Umbra high powered when I'm lvl 4, at high difficulty it will serve me well for a long time) should be rewarded for exploring and being thorough, not because you know the designers secrets.

There are more than one sword, one armor, two rings, that are useful you know...

Ok, so you use the editor and find that a powerful item can be found in a 100 different locations (100 unique to each item!). You still have have to play the game to fetch it. Remember - "role playing game" - your character is not supposed to know! Even in dice based game, rest assured that the GM would throw some really nasty surprises our way if we did a campaign a second time and he felt we didn't roleplay enough. *Kasmock* - "Hey, there wasn't a trap here last time". "They improved their security since last time".
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:18 pm

I really like the idea of coming upon creatures far to powerful for you to take on until a later date, this gives you something to look forward to.

This is partially what made Gothic I/II so awesome. The sense of exploration and adventure is key to the RPG experience.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:10 pm

Morrowind had no enemies or items which leveled with you.

really then explain this
if you dont have leveled items it isn't a sandbox game it is a linear one
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Assumptah George
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:33 pm

The dungeons are set at the level that you enter them. So if you went into Emerald Cave* at level 1, and came back at level 20, everything inside of Emerald Cave will be what they were at level 1. This could be alright.

*probably doesn't exist

That's not exactly how it works. They are set at a range, so if you go into it at level 1 it may be up to level 10 (I can't remember the full scale, but it's not set at the level you walk in).

Edit: Someone better explained it earlier in the thread.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:51 pm

Yes it will be worth it to level up as the system is closer to Fallout 3 rather then Oblivion.
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