Leveled Quest Awards will be there because most quests are now randomly generated. Only hand made quests may have unique awards.
You weren't in places where people in power armors hang around. You can meet a Brotherhood patrol on Level 1.
If you are thinking about Enclave, they don't appear until a certain point in the Main Quest.
Point one, only certain aspects are randomly generated or tweaked - i.e. if you've already visited the cave a quest would have been set in, the AI game master will move it to another similar cave you haven't. Little things like that. The actual quests themselves are hand-made for the majority.
Point two, you're right about being able to meet power armoured NPCs from level 1. I did bump into an Enclave Recruit near Megaton though. It was on the brow of a hill near a water tower and a ruined house, patrolling. I took him out with the Hunting Rifle I found behind the Elementary School, then swagged his helmet for a trophy and his laser rifle for the caps.
Quests will not be randomly generated. Quests will change depending on choices or playstyle, but no content is random, everything's handmade.
Radiant story just picks together the parts to make a quest that suits you.
Yeah, that's what I read too.
EDIT: @Deaded - That's exactly what I'd like to see too! For example, instead of Minotaurs randomly cropping up after you hit a certain arbitrary level limit, have them inhabit the deepest forests in herds or whatever. Make it really dangerous to travel in those areas, like around the Deathclaw colonies in the Fallout games.