Frankly, Another thing that bothers me is leveled items. It was a pain in the dike to finally find a wondrous and rare item at a low level just to find out that it could've been much stronger at later levels. It's because of this I refused to do any quests in Oblivion until lvl 28 or so just so I would get the best of the best. Totally worth it... :shakehead:
Seriously, if you want a strong character in Oblivion, stay at lvl 1, make sure you have plenty of magicka to start with, and make a spell to summon all bound armor/a bound weapon. Nothing can stop you.
Agree completely. When staying at lv 1 is the best strategy, something is broken.
(Also, Charm spells, Drain Health spells, 100% Reflect damage, 100% Chameleon and Skeleton Key.)
Quest Award Leveler is a must-have mod for Oblivion. Leveled quest awards.. NO, just NO.
To hell with level scaling. I hate leveled loot, leveled enemies, leveled enemy gear... Why not just give everything a static level and have the hardest enemies at a high enough level that they still are a hard challenge when you've hit the soft cap???