Dude.. Deus Ex was good, as long as it lasted.. But it was EXTREMELY SHORT! That was the biggest letdown for me.. I had hoped it to be double the time it took me to complete it, and I expected it to atleast be 50% longer.. I also didnt even just rush through the mq, I did the sidequests and all, Idk how long I spent in the police station either sneaking around.. Also it was not, to me, as much an rpg as splinter cell conviction was.. Only Deus Ex had levels and perks/skills/augmentations.
@CLJ78, in my language, we say, verbally, the 10th of November 2011
Bosses so far are my biggest let down. And how augs are activated from a screen instead of at the clinic. Though technically the narrative has every component installed in your body, just not activated.
The length depends on what path you went. Did you play non-lethal path where you never ever get caught by almost a single enemy?
Peoples play is different anyways. I take the time to look at design, posters, read e-books, terminals, etc. Though I'm not hacking oriented.
So far Deus Ex:HR's 30-45 hour for everything length feels fine to me. Might of been an hour or two of content cut because Square-Enix was loathe to invest anymore money on an unproven yet acclaimed franchise when they've been losing money on their jrpgs.
Usually when a good game comes out you never want it to end. Feels short.
Good thing sometimes. It means the devs accomplished reeling you in vs myself being slightly bored in New Vegas due to the static feeling of the world. Even if it was very well crafted and realistic unlike FO3's mass dungeon design.
Also Splinter Cell: Conviction is a different genre for one and I disagree on it having more stealth mechanics or statistic based mechanics.
Deus Ex:HR though does have minimal RPG mechanics. Deus Ex wasnever known for that really. As an RPG player who snides BGS for lack of mechanics I always found it acceptable because of how rich the game was. It's a testament to Ion Storm's team.
Plus it was the offspring of grand daddy System Shock. The other being Bioshock.
And now the new Eidos Montreal and the portion of the team assigned to Human Rev. has kept the torch lit.
Hope Thief 4 is just as good.