» Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:23 am
I will.
I know the game gets VERY mixed opinions. And, although I encounter a handful of bugs, there's just something about the core gameplay and the suit that makes the MP a blast.
I don't think 10 dollars is unREASONABLE, although I think $5 would have been a smarter marketing choice. What better way to re-invigorate a community which is divided on if they want to keep playing Crysis 2 or not with a cheap (or free) DLC package. For 4 maps and thats it, it wouldn't be a bad idea. I dont think 10 dollars will get the sales they are hoping for. Then again, this is why I just play the games and dont market them.
However since I play the multiplayer quite a bit (rank 39 now) I'll appreciate the additional maps. I think there will are enough people like me who will do the same and I'll get a good amount of use out of the new maps, but I don't expect them to sell anywhere nearly as much as CoD, Gears, Battlefield, Halo, etc. I also think this is the first and last Crysis 2 DLC pack.